RT @tribelaw: What Phil Lacovara says re obstruction of justice is true, but it's the Big Picture that counts for the "I" word: https://t.c…
Donald Trump said he would phone Bill Gates and shut the internet down if jihad videos wasn't removed , people believed him how mad is that?
Forget about #Trump and let's watch this new #horror #thriller movie: https://t.co/fCipvAnKqc https://t.co/xEkdaj1GoD
RT @marklevinshow: Uh oh, no smoking gun in Comey's written testimony; now the phony media and hack Democrats hoping Comey's live... https:…
RT @Newsweek: Trump asked top intelligence officials to pressure Comey over Russia investigation, officials say…
RT @WhitneyCummings: What would happen if we all just started unfollowing trump on twitter?
RT @mmpadellan: TWEEPS:
With all these Senate Intel Comey distractions, Sneaky Turtle McConnell is tryna pull a fast one with the…
@SenToomey There are 664.100 Pennsylvanians depending on you. What are you going to do? Man up to Trump https://t.co/wIlZv2TPMf
RT @Amy_Siskind: Stop and think about it: how small the Trump bench has become that they had to roll out Chris Christie. Who's next? Rudy…
RT @wmarybeard: I thought Trump was the kind of "leader" to say that "laws get in the way". Now it is Mrs May. Ill-advised and irresponsibl…
RT @artminaj: alguém fala pro Trump que a pack dele n tá combinando n sabe nem fazer um fc e quer comandar um país https://t.co/YsoRo7Sqpr
RT @SavannahGuthrie: Parts of Comey statement are good for POTUS, corroborating his claims. Parts are quite bad. Vintage Comey - makes no o…
RT @Rockprincess818: Comey is a little bitch. he felt uncomfortable? Wtf? What a wuss. He's supposed to be in charge of the FBI, not a nurs…
RT @Peters_Glen: All eyes are on the US & Trump, but Australia has not been doing much better in the last 25 years... @marcsrhudson
RT @thelaplayboy: Don't assume that because a smart person "dumbs down" his message that the messenger is also dumb
e.g. Trump, Tai Lopez,…
RT @dandrezner: I think the more amazing part of this story is that after only four months there are nine former Trump administrati…
RT @ziwe: "he wanted loyalty but all I could promise was honesty" -james comey https://t.co/dHW6rsuESQ
Here’s why Comey’s testimony could haunt Trump’s presidency https://t.co/NlWz1xEPQY
RT @Rambobiggs: Trump Supporters Beating The matrix https://t.co/qoBD5l2aiv
☕️ https://t.co/btQy8Lm9pR
RT @Lrihendry: What Trump meant by "I need your loyalty" is that Comey would be working for him and not be a holdover loyal to Obama. #Com…
RT @ArianeBellamar: Just over 8 hours to Comey time!
RT @mitchellvii: Trump vouching for the character of a friend and associate is NOT obstruction of justice. Democrats looks like losers imp…
RT @fatihtezcan: Trump'ın ABD-İran Anlaşması'nı çöpe attığına emin misiniz? Ya anlaşmanın gizli maddeleri varsa ve bunlar uygulanıyorsa? He…
Iran Denounces Trump’s Response to Attacks as ‘Repugnant’ https://t.co/kw01xKEwTt
RT @TEN_GOP: It's happening again! Schiff is now back to hating Comey: "He overstepped role as FBI director." https://t.co/0lfvRuvwKT
RT @cyberops_in: Overnight #Cybersecurity: Comey account rocks | Anticipation mounts for hearing | Intel chiefs dodge Trump questions https…
RT @brianklaas: Maybe they should tell Trump before he tweets them into a much bigger crisis? https://t.co/0WrXWZjnkV
Trump's victory in the us presidential election is dedicated! ---> https://t.co/xQZgeLTcUZ https://t.co/aTpEuAQgPQ
"James Comey, United Kingdom, Golden State Warriors: Your Thursday Briefing" by CHRIS STANFORD via NYT https://t.co/UkHIMlOBbq
@mitchellvii Next to Trump's taxes. Only difference is only one of those was promised to you.
RT @yashar: Who among us hasn't called the FBI Director to deny involvement with Russian hookers?
RT @bbusa617: BREAKING : NSA Director Contradicts Fake News Claim Trump Pressured Him https://t.co/uLQvV80Six
Whole Fake Story Is Debunked…
RT @HillestadNils: Who is Christopher Wray, Trump's FBI nominee? | MSNBC https://t.co/yKhdDsM5gU
RT @kayleighmcenany: I have been in 7 states in the last week talking directly to the American people, who see straight through this effort…
RT @ezlusztig: Meanwhile Trump just tweeting out random shit that pops into his head and potentially instigating a major war - on Twitter.…
The nut doesn't fall far from the tree. https://t.co/6lrdDO5soF
RT @IQ_Stimulator: #fakenews von #Junkers.
Die USA habe das Pariser Abkommen nie ratifiziert.
https://t.co/6sWxuP3JWt https://t.co/IxF1OOk…
RT @SaysHummingbird: RT if you AGREE...
Trump's transition from national embarrassment to global embarrassment has been the smoothest p…
RT @olgaNYC1211: The one thing Putin has showed us by planting Trump is how corrupt our government is on every level.. We have all been sle…
RT @CORLEBRA777: Watch the Phillipines, some intercepts on that I believe
RT @CNN: James Comey to deliver congressional testimony Thursday, which could have huge implications for the Trump presidenc…
RT @mitchellvii: How the hell did Comey "know Sessions would recuse himself on Russia" weeks before the reason for that recusal was even kn…
RT @joshdcaplan: NBC deletes scene of Putin joking w/ Megyn Kelly that she would be jailed by standards used to investigate Flynn's…
RT @ananavarro: Comey opening statement for tmrw's hrng, reads like a Tom Clancy novel. Buckle-up America. Ride about to get bumpy. https:/…
RT @100PercFEDUP: TRUMP SUPPORTERS FIGHT BACK! CA Congresswoman Walks Off Stage After Trump Supporters Shout "We love... https://t.co/wKR4g…
RT @atensnut: Oh, man! Krauthammer is awesome.@krauthammer. https://t.co/XRF7UM5afZ
RT @LeviatorARaison: #Trump déteste cette photo et a demandé à ce qu'elle ne soit pas publiée... Alors, en toute logique, partageons la…
#MonsterAMovie Return of the Trump
RT @ColIegeStudent: highschool: learn MLA format, u will b very prepared 4 college
college: cite in APA, APSA, Chicago, ASPCA, FBI, alphabe…
@NathanLerner @IMPEACH45_Now @ossoff GOP.All scum bags.Entire GOP are all on Trump's payroll.The GOP have given cro… https://t.co/0fyVYmd5gv
RT @WaladShami: The Queen of Genovia is not having it! https://t.co/TIB9az4cAc
RT @KellyannePolls: Comey’s Friends Were Wrong & Trump was Right: Comey admits he told @POTUS 3 times he was not under investigation https…
RT @longwall26: Comey: He's guilty
Democrats: He's guilty
Trump: I'm guilty
Republicans: We may never get to the bottom of this
RT @KeithOlbermann: With Comey's statement, my 5/23 video: Trump must produce that 'tape' + it must disprove Comey or he'll be impeached ht…
RT @jkaonline: Trump's falsehoods are eroding public trust at home an abroad says @WSJ in March Opinion piece https://t.co/Jh0ZRwHIGp
In the room with Comey and Trump: Two alpha males face off https://t.co/NYcz5dNvcm
Lot's happening tonight Australia vs Saudi Arabia world cup qualifier Comey vs Trump US Senate, May vs Corbin & Sydney Swans vs Bulldogs AFL
RT @tedlieu: Today America saw what a cover-up looks like. We watched Coats & Rogers repeatedly refuse to answer basic questions. https://t…
RT @BlueJayKay5: Trump is selling off America to the highest bidder, both parties fine with it [from @LeeCamp]: https://t.co/Bffo2xShCB
RT @metasynthie: Yeah this version of Comey's statements is creepy, but it's nothing compared to the unabridged transcript…
If the New story of Comey Memos (on his laptop) is true, they should have a date and time stamp. Show them to me please.
@JulianAssange This isn't a whistle blower,a whistle blower exposes gov corruption 4 the good of the nation, Winner… https://t.co/g05Nmvt1iV
RT @jacob4kids: Eric Trump says Dems are not even people. I'm pretty sure I am a person who sacrificed and served this country so you can s…
RT @_Ann3tt: #Geld stinkt nicht, es regiert. #Trump ist Präsident der Reichen. Das @DIEZEIT-Titelthema im Politik-Teil mit treff…
RT @IngrahamAngle: Another Drama Queen. https://t.co/I86iPSWq0r
RT @ziwe: "he wanted loyalty but all I could promise was honesty" -james comey https://t.co/dHW6rsuESQ
RT @WBUR: Here is #Comey's opening statement for the Senate Intelligence hearing, annotated by @NPR journalists: https://t.co/5qA72KNWNh
RT @USMC_DD: One of the dumbest, Trump says he knows more about ISIS than our Generals, yet asks HIS GENERALS to develop a plan…
RT @NBCNews: James Clapper says Comey firing shows "complete disregard" for independent FBI https://t.co/sOwttn1iLD https://t.co/SLx99o5SM4
RT @tribelaw: What Phil Lacovara says re obstruction of justice is true, but it's the Big Picture that counts for the "I" word: https://t.c…
RT @Impeach_D_Trump: Clinton's "deplorables" comment caused Massive backlash
Eric Trump's "They're not even people" comment is Far worse a…
RT @Impeach_D_Trump: Clinton's "deplorables" comment caused Massive backlash
Eric Trump's "They're not even people" comment is Far worse a…
https://t.co/WmruEOt6ud President Trump at his Best.Gleaming with enthusiasm N' confidence.And the Beat Goes On at The White House.
RT @CoryBooker: When the truth comes out (and it will) & if the president has committed crimes, we (the people) will fight and win…
RT @Rambobiggs: Trump Supporters Beating The matrix https://t.co/qoBD5l2aiv
RT @funder: Comey hasn't even testified yet-And it's a different ballgame once he does-#ComeyDay is tomorrow-Stay woke
#TrumpObstructed #C…
Worth reading and connecting the dots-https://t.co/K0BZqDXUss
RT @immigrant4trump: Flashback: @KTHopkins Destroys CNN, Predicted Trump Would Win and Calls CNN "Clinton News Network"😂😂 #Maga #Trump http…
RT @NathanLerner: Comey: "the FBI and the Department of Justice [should] be INDEPENDENT of the White House"
RT @PhilipRucker: RNC/WH is simultaneously trying to both use Comey's testimony to vindicate/exonerate Trump and discredit/smear Come…
RT @SethAbramson: BREAKING: Trump FBI Director Nominee Wray Is Partner at Law Firm Representing Russia's National Oil Company Rosneft…
@LouiseMensch It's Comey Day, Loony. No, really this time!
RT @dushanwegner: #CNN gibt zu, #Comey-#FakeNews verbreitet zu haben. Sie nennen es "Correction". Wer auf #Gab ist, dem war das klar. http…
RT @mitchellvii: By seeking Comey's "loyalty" Trump was not seeking patronage but an assurance Comey was not leaking to damage his presiden…
RT @EoinHiggins_: Iranians after 9/11 v. Trump after today's attacks https://t.co/tHxBmny8yb
RT @1964Matov: Паливо. Съёмочная группа Russia Today, задержанная в Иране, прибыла к месту будущей трагедии заблаговременно. Марго, расскаж…
RT @JohnEdwards33: Americans missed their golden opportunity with Bernie Saunders and fell into Trump's world.
Don't make the same mi…
RT @CBSNews: Pres. Trump has had plenty to say about former FBI Director Comey over the past year and a half — take a look:…
Give it a read before the testimony today.
#ComeyTestimony https://t.co/2pNIJmTVs9
RT @SuperFalete: Trump toma cartas en el asunto. https://t.co/iMwHzEcUt7
RT @thehill: DC bar to offer free drinks for every Trump tweet during Comey testimony: https://t.co/qlP2z2dYAe https://t.co/O3kIGbk5hn
RT @t24comtr: İran'dan Trump'ın mesajına tepki: İğrenç; ABD'nin dostluk iddialarını reddediyoruz
https://t.co/Reev3DTV5h https://t.co/OQyWf…
RT @JoeNBC: "Abuse of power" was Article 4 in the impeachment of Bill Clinton. https://t.co/JmNlklOesg
RT @crushingbort: wow this Comey testimony is going to make headlines https://t.co/Ve3zgiQ1J5
RT @mujtahidd: أمريكا تترقب يوم الخميس حيث يتحدث "كومي" رئيس FBI الذي أقاله ترامب أمام لجنة الكونجرس ومن المتوقع أن يتسبب في تضييق الحصار ع…
"James Comey, United Kingdom, Golden State Warriors: Your Thursday Briefing" by CHRIS STANFORD via NYT The New Yor… https://t.co/PakILBI8RM
RT @FoxNews: .@KellyannePolls: "Mr. Trump is still seen as the outsider, the disruptor. He's going to shake up Washington." https://t.co/wC…
@asturcona5 @LasTaifas @unculemadrid @FrayJosepho @Elprimorosoroso @nssme_foro @jtremendo9 @GirautaOficial… https://t.co/ODPDUfghNB
@jonathansamuels @JOE_co_uk Could be Trump on a bad day.
RT @JoyAnnReid: Wow. Col. Lawrence Wilkerson just straight up called the Trump administration "like a mafia family." #inners
@EricTrump @StJude Not so easy clown. You're spreading fake info. https://t.co/x3UQrZBV0d
RT @MailOnline: Daredevil in Russia performs death-defying stunts on top of a skyscraper using a hoverboard 😱…
RT @dylanmatt: So Al Franken basically predicted Donald Trump in 1999 https://t.co/fUjcVXdifl https://t.co/jgRkJ4rAR5
RT @jfa_samuraiblue: SAMURAI BLUE(日本代表)香川真司選手途中離脱のお知らせ アジア最終予選(Road to Russia)対イラク代表(6/13@テヘラン/PASスタジアム) #jfa #daihyo…
RT @MarkHarrisNYC: 2:45 p.m.
MSNBC: Comey statement awful for Trump.
CNN: Toobin: Obstruction of justice.
Fox: This pill made from jellyfis…
Here's what sacked FBI director Comey will say about Trump https://t.co/EAtNZvXDFy
RT @TuckerCarlson: .@CLewandowski_: @realDonaldTrump made the decision to remove a person that was no longer capable of running the #FBI #T…
!Cuidado! Audiencia de alto riesgo para Trump en el Congreso https://t.co/GqzfSBNuhR https://t.co/geJPW91yXU
RT @kylegriffin1: This exchange: King presses McCabe, Rogers, Coats on refusal to discuss convos w/ Comey & Trump, demands legal basis http…
RT @funder: Congressman Lieu is right. The fact they didn't straight up deny all of the reports today means they are true. Stra…
RT @KellyannePolls: THIS is CNN.
Please make this a "Breaking News" headline for the next 5 days. https://t.co/piSuDE2agU
RT @EmbassyofRussia: President #Putin: #Russia is ready for further joint actions with our Iranian partners in the fight against terrori…
RT @ABC: North Korea blasts Pres. Trump as 'silly' and 'ignorant' over Paris climate accord withdrawal.…
KarloMdz: KCCINews: Trump suggests Iran shares some blame for terror attacks https://t.co/F8khdov6GO … … https://t.co/5YOPUO2QH6
RT @badgirl_loony: Donald Trump’s presidency is an American crisis https://t.co/Wf5bp2wzmD via @voxdotcom
RT @eissolomon11: Waste of TaxPayers Money
Everything BackFires🔥
🇺🇸#Trump JustKeeps #Winning 🇺🇸
Txs #Comey…
RT @KellyannePolls: THIS is CNN.
Please make this a "Breaking News" headline for the next 5 days. https://t.co/piSuDE2agU
Fox News anchor turns on Donald Trump for bashing media (https://t.co/8iRy3UiTt2) https://t.co/yhce3ZqVTG https://t.co/XRn0Qa3YzI
RT @MalcolmNance: Happy Comey Day!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Watch this vid to get it started right. https://t.co/rOlfMtqUVV
@CNN Trump has every right to want loyalty. Obamas bunch of left overs have not been! Go Trump! USA ❤️you!… https://t.co/Xah73V04kZ
RT @EricBoehlert: guilty presidents fear FBI investigation b/c they know the bureau doesn't play around, and that lying to FBI can = jail t…
RT @Fahrenthold: Such an incredible story by @forbes, deconstructing how the @EricTrumpFdn was apparently used to funnel $ back to t…
@RepAdamSchiff @POTUS Fake news #Schiff Trump guilty until proven innocent BS. Time for special prosecutor for Pas… https://t.co/XdWucN8rME
RT @IngrahamAngle: Another anti-Trump WashPo editorial masquerading as a news story. https://t.co/4BspINFvpx
@VABVOX Election Fraud Allows Trump Bills to Promote Sexual Trafficking of Kids by Destroying The Education, Financ… https://t.co/MsewsxrVlP
What you need to know about ex-FBI head's James Comey's testimony https://t.co/mmy4R1iiI8
RT @billboard: Fifth Harmony's Lauren Jauregui doubles down on Trump comments: "We stand for women of color."…
RT @gelliottmorris: Data: voters are less likely to identify as Republican since Donald Trump's election (h/t @gsparks94 @aedwardslevy)…
RT @CoryBooker: When the truth comes out (and it will) & if the president has committed crimes, we (the people) will fight and win…
RT @PeeSparkle: I have zero confidence in this guy. @realDonaldTrump @POTUS can you please show Ryan the door?! 👉
RT @JulianAssange: Comey happy to out Trump's words about the Flynn investigation but conspicuously conceals what Trump says about cra…
@Politick_Rick @falazar @ossoff Hahaha, Yeah and Trump is a great businessman (NOT!) Hahahaha
There Are Many Russia Investigations. What Are They All Doing?: The Senate Intelligence… https://t.co/5M9zvOA9vB
RT @USARedOrchestra: In his May 1923 speech at the Krone Circus in Munich, Hitler said:
"The Jews are undoubtedly a race, but not huma…
RT @AyresAlyssa: Sushma Swaraj joins Russia and France in condemning terror attacks in Iran via @htTweets https://t.co/2XmUxtfdce
RT @JoyAnnReid: Not surprisingly, tourism to the U.S. is in steep decline, as we look more and more like an autocracy. https://t.co/AVHuTo5…
RT @BazziNYU: My latest: Saudi leaders are playing Trump, exploiting the grandiose reception they gave him in Riyadh last month https://t.c…
Ben. This is way off. I don't know what straw man Dems you follow, but since his firing, it's been about the o… https://t.co/tsdHUmucwE
RT @HerSoares: que caldeirada que para ali vai... https://t.co/Lo4BYrj19F
Say it ain't so? :-)
"Sacked FBI boss James Comey’s evidence that he was pressured by Donald Trump to back off... https://t.co/jaulY3KPm3
RT @CNN: These are some of the most thought-provoking lines from fired FBI Director James Comey's prepared testimony…
RT @CatchaRUSSpy: RNC warns Trump NOT TO TWEET!!!! https://t.co/Zyw40WC8JY
@NRO MSM & Obama holdovers just colluding to cause more division & chaos among Trump's team. They're just putting sugar in the gas tank.
As Trump bails on Paris accord, China turns to a different climate ally: California: https://t.co/rQwXzG9lCK via @HuffPostPol
Let's play some at @PlayStation #Trump #NorthKorea 😂😂😂 #KimJongUn #Playstation #Wargames https://t.co/FfLWgEE98U
RT @AmazingDouglass: @ezlusztig Did Mr. Trump know and/or forget the 10,000 US troops stationed in Qatar when he made his shocking comme…
RT @davidfrum: If you haven’t yet read the @Forbes story about the Trump family diverting funds from kid cancer charity, you should https:/…
Trump’s policies have turned some Mormon women in Utah into political activists https://t.co/vbntvwdELX
RT @ramburner1: https://t.co/nQl10GgViD
RT @puppymnkey: We. Are. Screwed.
Media: Help us make sure everyone gets to vote and each…
@johnroconnor @RepDanKildee I trust Trump over Kildee or the democrats any day of the week and twice in Sunday.
@thewarjournal It was Trump's condolences with a caveat that annoyed me, not you. I've got to stop judging him by normal standards.
@adamcbest @realDonaldTrump But the rich will get a tax cut and that helps him and is friends. That's what Trump supporters are not getting.
RT @MarilynShephe15: @SkyNewsAust @theresa_may And polling showed Brexit would be a No vote and polling showed Trump could not win, enou…
RT @Reuters: Comey says Trump asked him to drop part of Russia probe. Via @ReutersTV https://t.co/gm97kbslh1 https://t.co/rJzkc7YCW1
RT @KaraCalavera: Wow. And I was convinced his floor was 38% as long as the economy was decent. https://t.co/VGGEE5YOUD
RT @CarlPrewittsBoi: I don’t see how you can hate from outside of the club.
You can’t even get in. Leggo. 🕺🏻 https://t.co/g5i44bavKg
RT @JYSexton: The obstruction story revolves around Trump protecting Mike Flynn while seeming eager to roll over on everyone else. Why? 1/
Trump's First Leaker Prosecution: https://t.co/Oy3e2JL6a4 via @SputnikInt
RT @AnnCoulter: Comey's abject refusal to publicly announce that the PRESIDENT OF THE U.S. was not under FBI investigation is outrageous.
@CNN @POTUS 4/4...There's no smoke without a smoking gun! Comey is as meticulous as they come. All actions open the… https://t.co/rKnZIkIl7j
: “Mr. Comey, what did Mr. Trump say or do at your January 6 Briefing that so greatly alarmed you ?
"James Comey, United Kingdom, Golden State Warriors: Your Thursday Briefing" by CHRIS STANFORD via NYT The New Yor… https://t.co/yzM5EXJRj9
RT @WSJ: ECB meeting, U.K. vote and Comey testimony keep markets quiet https://t.co/Jr15Lkn84v
RT @ClimateShelters: @dandrezner @JenTromans Election Fraud Allows Trump Bills to Promote Sexual Trafficking of Kids by Destroying The E…
RT @adnanonay: 16- ABD böyle bir deliliğe girişmeyeceğini Katar'la süren ilişkisinde göstermiştir.
Trump, Suud'u maşa kullanmakta sadece.
RT @HungryGents: Donald Trump Floats Idea of Border Wall ‘Covered with Solar Panels’ https://t.co/hFq9Q6llvY
RT @SenKamalaHarris: We swear an oath to the Constitution, not a person or a President. https://t.co/i4jrGVCJqj
RT @rojava_jiyan: #YesToKurdistanIndependence https://t.co/C0lsR0yMBm
RT @hooshmandk: گاردین نامه کومی رو بررسی کرده
RT @DiamondandSilk: Tick-Tock Lets Watch.... Popcorn anyone?
RT @HamillHimself: "They come at us viciously & it's truly, truly horrible."- Eric Trump https://t.co/aTovewrVSh
I might feel some solidarity with 6'8" Comey meeting his patriarchal match in Trump...was same for me at some jobs https://t.co/ZFQ8WTaZ9h
RT @SCloudcroft: Imagine if ordinary Americans got as many vacations as these people do for so little work. This is what is wrong in…
RT @girlsreallyrule: If the next leaker of documents incriminating Russia is named Honest Loyalty, I don't even know what.
RT @Impeach_D_Trump: 64% of the country now favors what Clinton ran on.... Keeping The ACA & improving it!!
Take that TRUMP!
KarloMdz: Pro-Trump group's anti-Comey ad to air on cable news during today's hearing. https://t.co/KTqBXuz3Qg … https://t.co/5YOPUO2QH6
RT @HuffPostArabi: تحقيق لـFBI يؤكد مسؤولية قراصنة روس عن اختراق وكالة أنباء قطر.. تلقوا أموالاً من دولتين خليجيتين…
More #fakenews #ClimateChangeFraud https://t.co/R3y5awluce
@seanhannity Trump should have a good day, nothing on russia, never asked for special favors other if comey would b… https://t.co/eFIUJDBIYK
RT @MrDane1982: Session didn't ask Comey what Trump said because Sessions, Pence and Kushner all knew why Trump was asking to meet with Com…
Atomic bombs exploding #FBI #Nuclear #Warfare #ColdWar #youtube https://t.co/cqWNBowMla
RT @EnvDefenseFund: Trump’s admin removes climate science from EPA site & makes it harder for teachers to talk about climate change. https:…
RT @BillyBaldwin: Yeah.. if you're a member of the Gambino crime family.
#TrumpRussia 👇👇👇👇👇 https://t.co/OJhHU1SiBx
RT @funder: .@realDonaldTrump-still scared to tweet about Comey? Don't worry about what the lawyers say—they can clean it up after
KarloMdz: FOX40: Local Bar Showing James Comey Hearing at 7 a.m. https://t.co/lM0hoFNkYu https://t.co/76Iirg56nS… https://t.co/5YOPUO2QH6
RT @JeffreyToobin: I mean it.
New post (Seth Meyers Has A Message For Trump After Reading Comey's Planned Testimony) has been published on -… https://t.co/NdNp5HxYL0
RT @CNN: These are some of the most thought-provoking lines from fired FBI Director James Comey's prepared testimony…
RT @emilynussbaum: Kills me that Sally Yates' testimony got so little play bc Comey was canned the next day. She warned them about Flynn &…
RT @Mr_DrinksOnMe: Trump: "The less immigrants that come in, the better."
Pence: "The fewer."
Trump: "I told you not to call me that yet."
RT @CNN: "If [this] isn't obstruction of justice, I don't know what is": Jeffrey Toobin reacts to Comey's prepared testimony…
RT @abc_es: Irán considera «repugnante» que Trump diga que el país propició los atentados al patrocinar el terrorismo https://t.co/LrNf32iP…
RT @Tonks2017: @JynErso_2017 @realDonaldTrump OMG. I totally forgot about that. Now we have some insight into Comey's nausea. https://t.co/…
RT @politico: Ex-intel chief James Clapper: Watergate 'pales' in comparison to Russia probes https://t.co/EC9dJqOY5i https://t.co/9xUcdRTmlQ
RT @USAAssociation: "They would rather see him fail than have America succeed. That's the ugliness of Washington DC."- Eric Trump https://t…
RT @AnnCoulter: It's bad enough for a federal investigator to leave a cloud of suspicion over a private citizen's head. This was T…
"James Comey, United Kingdom, Golden State Warriors: Your Thursday Briefing" by CHRIS STANFORD via NYT… https://t.co/WlGEo8raRa
RT @2gay2lift: I don't see how anyone can be surprised about a Trump presidency when he's essentially the concentrated embodiment of Americ…
RT @robabdul: SHARE: Do not vote Theresa May else you'll get Trump
#VoteLabour #GE2017 #JC4PM https://t.co/Mui5os9gtW
RT @RepAdamSchiff: Jan 26-Yates warns WH re Flynn. Next day, Trump demands loyalty from Comey.
Feb 13-Flynn is fired. Next day, Trump asks…
RT @ezlusztig: @AmazingDouglass Trump cannot be trusted to know anything like that. In future, he will have to be monitored more c…
RT @DavidCornDC: GOP/Trump talking points show these guys have no regard for reality and truth and will say anything. Sad!…
RT @SethAbramson: (15) It does NOT matter if Comey says he didn't FEEL Trump was obstructing justice. It might've helped a prosecution, but…
RT @adnanonay: 17- Trump'un Katar'a arabuluculuk ve emiri beyaz saraya daveti bu krize bulaşmadan tırmandırıp pay kapma hesabı.
RT @Kashikoi_17: @JackPosobiec @lsosis Rat-faced Comey indicted himself. Thank goodness he's FIRED!
RT @realDonaldTrump: I will be nominating Christopher A. Wray, a man of impeccable credentials, to be the new Director of the FBI. Details…
WTF is happening with his jaw? https://t.co/d3g2ee51cT
RT @USMC_DD: As Trump was making this claim, we were literally running out of bombs in Syria. Its an insult to the people fighti…
James Comey Timeline on not informing Jeff Sessions doesn't add up. - https://t.co/Yvjo8QtdYT https://t.co/jAgWHfEYtv
RT @alhurranews: من هو كريستوفر راي مرشح ترامب لإدارة FBI؟
RT @ezlusztig: Meanwhile Trump just tweeting out random shit that pops into his head and potentially instigating a major war - on Twitter.…
!Cuidado! Audiencia de alto riesgo para Trump en el Congreso https://t.co/ZNbQjwLN2q https://t.co/GN1ysqtNOf
RT @ziwe: "he wanted loyalty but all I could promise was honesty" -james comey https://t.co/dHW6rsuESQ
Free drinks for every Trump tweet during the Comey hearing.
RT @Evan_McMullin: Rogers's claim that conversations with the President about intervening in the Russia investigation are classified is abs…
Trump suggests Iran shares some blame for terror attacks - Washington Post https://t.co/QQhordI91w #topstories
RT @AmeriKimWoman2: 💰Bank on it 🤥 Liars gonna lie #ComeyTestimony #ComeyHearing #ComeyMemo #SenateHearing #SenateIntelHearing #Comey…
RT @nandiniramnath: By .@Vomyghaad: Why the Telugu film industry is keeping a wary eye on Trump’s H-1B visa policies https://t.co/zzw9y6ryW…
RT @PimpernelBlue: Graaiers aller lande...verzamel u op een zeeschip en laat u verzuipen https://t.co/sGut0jMxHO
RT @cnni: CNN's Chris Cillizza: James Comey just went nuclear on Donald Trump https://t.co/ygchoLVhDP https://t.co/ObddaCR2uB
Comey Testimony: Key Questions About the Hearing - New York Times https://t.co/dHdn3vo3QQ #topstories
Insiders: After Trump Anger, Sessions Offered to Resign https://t.co/doJwxNZ0V4
RT @FoxNews: .@CLewandowski_: @POTUS asked Comey for 'loyalty to the country,' not him #Tucker
RT @Impeach_D_Trump: Quinnipiac Poll shows Trump hitting new low: 34% approval
Yes That's Only About 1/3rd of Americans Who Support you @r…
RT @damnyouwillis: excuse me i need to get in the car https://t.co/wVqEcfe4GT
RT @klcecotti: Wow, bias on fb https://t.co/Nw7bytW1NM
RT @mattmfm: 1) Plans to cut insurance for 24M
2) Doesn't believe in climate change
3) Has no economic agenda
4) Is a policy dun…
Who benefits from war on Qatar? Well according to the Kremlin's own RT...
'Qatar may be Russia’s trump card to... https://t.co/pGb3pdbSlE
RT @RepAdamSchiff: Jan 26-Yates warns WH re Flynn. Next day, Trump demands loyalty from Comey.
Feb 13-Flynn is fired. Next day, Trump asks…
RT @charliekirk11: Honestly @DonaldJTrumpJr totally roasted @kathygriffin !
She holds Trump's bloody head then plays a victim. Ridicu…
RT @steph93065: Comey: Trump was not under investigation
Media: Trump interfered with the investigation
James Comey’s Testimony Has Late Evening on the Fringe of Its Seat https://t.co/rCEkyxOofE #james #comey #london #russia #samantha #bee
RT @JJohnson2u: Muller is charged with investigating "any links and/or coordination between #Russian Gov and individuals associated…
RT @Callmesaina1: Being a black muslim woman is when Islamophobia, Racism and Sexism join forces to make your life hell... https://t.co/PFM…
RT @JimKuther: VIDEO : Assaulted Trump Supporter SUES U.C. Berkeley For $23 Million https://t.co/uGuMUdMhZR
RT @tedlieu: Today America saw what a cover-up looks like. We watched Coats & Rogers repeatedly refuse to answer basic questions. https://t…
RT @JynErso_2017: Dear @realDonaldTrump,
Was "that thing" the time you blew a little kiss to #Comey?
"The president said, 'I need loyalty, I expect loyalty.'
RT @joshdcaplan: NBC deletes scene of Putin joking w/ Megyn Kelly that she would be jailed by standards used to investigate Flynn's…
RT @ExumAM: While Democrats have their eyes on Russia, the GOP will quietly repeal the ACA, largely to enable a massive tax cut…
"James Comey, United Kingdom, Golden State Warriors: Your Thursday Briefing" by CHRIS STANFORD via NYT https://t.co/n3joU6PQOR
RT @nytimes: Iran Denounces Trump’s Response to Attacks as ‘Repugnant’ https://t.co/ASIPkYSeUi
RT @Evan_McMullin: To be clear, Coats & Rogers are refusing to answer unclassified questions in an unclassified hearing to protect Presiden…
RT @IledespinsNC: "Make our planet great again" :)
#NewCaledonia #travel #TRUMP #isleofpines #makeourplanetgreatagain https://t.co/4xOOCZf6…
#sad https://t.co/MCIFlX0gZC
J'espère que James Comey va détruire Donald 🤞Ça ferait ma journée
RT @rjgeller: 本記事の課題は、トランプ大統領は司法妨害罪を犯したかどうか、と。まぁ、やっただろうが、マネー・ローンダリングなどは立証し易いだろう。また、そうしたら共和党の他者は逃げ切れる。もう落ちしどころをみただろう。 https://t.co/ETAhdBaPYq
Post-ABC Poll: Most say Trump is interfering with Russia investigations
!Cuidado! Audiencia de alto riesgo para Trump en el Congreso https://t.co/pyxGD5EVpo https://t.co/v5ocj8fLtY
RT @DanScavino: 1/6/2017
"That was true; we did not have an open counter-intelligence case on him...I offered that assurance."
What an incredibly MISLEADING title/article. Obama was HORRIBLE for Cuba. He ended Wet Foot/Dry Foot and stopped th… https://t.co/EykpicckMa
RT @JoyAnnReid: Indeed. https://t.co/5rWgGJZhIH
The unsettling part is that this can easily become a reality😳👇🏿 https://t.co/YbiEwoTNBw
RT @AmyMek: Same day of #LondonBridge Jihad attack👉
In front of Trump Tower - Muslims desecrate our City by lifting their asse…
@NaserAlshahwani What changed RT?? Why they are spreading fake news lately about Qatar after such kind of news? Rus… https://t.co/GGu7Qh2IWc
RT @JohnJHarwood: just-released Quinnipiac Poll shows Trump hitting new low: 34% approve, 57% disapprove
RT @newschannelnine: We will livestream the hearing on our website & on our Facebook page. Plus we will tweet new developments as they h…
KarloMdz: James Clapper says Comey firing shows "complete disregard" for independent FBI https://t.co/Fo67xsPsIL… https://t.co/5YOPUO2QH6
Yall done Seen these pictures of TRUMP with these Whores! And yall know he's A Traitor piece of shit! OMG what Hippocrate s Was OBAMA Lychnn
RT @SaysHummingbird: RT if you AGREE...
Trump's transition from national embarrassment to global embarrassment has been the smoothest p…
RT @CNN: CNN's Chris Cillizza: James Comey just went nuclear on Donald Trump https://t.co/6YyP0zzq34 https://t.co/7dvsV7OXDj
RT @USMC_DD: Everyone knows PTSD is real. Trump would too, if he had served. I wonder if the MAN who took his place going to NAM…
Your #Vote2017 can make Donald Trump happy or sad. Your choice. Vote out of Christian virtue of forgiveness, not revenge. #GE2017
RT @tackettdc: "From his first days in office, President Trump repeatedly put pressure on his F.B.I. director, James B. Comey" https://t.co…
RT @JohnJHarwood: just-released Quinnipiac Poll shows Trump hitting new low: 34% approve, 57% disapprove
RT @DDStandaard: Poetin verdedigt Trump: ‘Jullie van de media hebben iets uit niets gecreëerd. Vervelen jullie je ofzo?’ https://t.co/j3Bvo…
RT @Rambobiggs: Lying ACLU Issues Defamatory Statement About Portland Police And Trump Rally On June 4th - https://t.co/EWzRe4ysCk
RT @LouDobbs: Comey Statement backs @POTUS - @Jim_Jordan: “Today is a good day for President Trump. He has been vindicated.”…
RT @niceday1947: Ask him about his 15old wife?
Jerry Seinfeld on Kathy Griffin's Trump pic: 'I don't understand the big deal' https://t.co…
RT @DavidCornDC: GOP/Trump talking points show these guys have no regard for reality and truth and will say anything. Sad!…
29 More Reasons To Impeach President Trump. Get it here - https://t.co/zOFLUnnxMD https://t.co/fe9GPrOEmZ
https://t.co/RVCLnrHFjD #impeach
RT @gerfingerpoken: Trump Defends Life Hillary Defends Partial Birth #Abortion Flopping Aces https://t.co/pGtHfPTnLx #MAGA #PJNET 999 https…
RT @TheRickyDavila: The poster boys of a trump crime family cover-up. #Maddow #TrumpRussia https://t.co/1DSMdGWuOt
And the polls said your girl would win... so there's that 🤔 https://t.co/uRx7yQa1Xd
RT @FrankLuntz: 34% matches Trump's favorability numbers immediately following the Access Hollywood tape.
How did that turn out? https://t…
@AP I guess now the world can appreciate what any sensible American already knows, Trump is a con man and entirely unfit for the job.
RT @steph93065: Turns out @jakestapper "people familiar with his thinking" is another bogus source.
NOT shocking. https://t.co/9CVdOYWCG4
RT @ophidianpilot: Former intel committee chief: Here's biggest Trump-Russia revelation https://t.co/8hZIJ1sqE4 via @worldnetdaily
RT @feru012: @DonnaWR8 @TEN_GOP @AppSame The fake #Russia witch hunt closer to ending than @TheDemocrats @CNN would like https://t.co/nTz0C…
RT @clacksee: @LineBallTennis @lesemasters @RemaininEU @StillRemains @Right_to_Remain @remain_eu Yes. But I want a responsible go…
@MarilynCapps @CaptMxAmerica @Trenaway11 @catalishus2 @WakeThe_UP @CxlTheClownShow @natespuewell @NaughtyBeyotch… https://t.co/kuge1sbJJS
Ce n'est pas faux, puisque les USA ont soutenu Ben Laden contre les russes en Afghanistan. https://t.co/ttC3i5R1AK
RT @kelinauu: WHY #Nigeria may never be great:
In less than 1yr #Trump has undergone more investigation than all Nigerian presidents combin…
RT @RealJack: Dear Democrats,
How would Trump have asked Comey to stop investigating him if Comey told him numerous times he wasn't under…
RT @KevinMKruse: Remember: the "smoking gun" in Watergate was the revelation that Nixon tried to get other intel agencies to shut down the…
RT @donnabrazile: Don't miss this point raised by @matthewamiller. https://t.co/NFoWgtHs5p
James Comey reveals concerns about Trump in a devastating account to Congress https://t.co/gaAsqwVy30
@JoeNBC Except it's not Florida r/e. It's the President. And the Director of the FBI. Ask+cajole+threaten+plead+fire = OOJ
Доналд Трамп изабрао Кристофера Реја за новог директора ФБИ https://t.co/nqC3QqiE7l
eric trump's evil heart is giving him radiation sickness and making his eyebrows fall out. that's my theory anyway.
Think of how much better the money protecting Trump Tower could have been put to use. Maybe she read the petition… https://t.co/svu6dP4cUH
RT @mattmfm: "Morality is just gone," says Eric Trump, who Forbes earlier today reported used a charity to (literally) steal mon…
Many "Liberal" law professionals stating that even if ALL claims against President Trump are true, no "criminal laws" would have been broken
RT @Corrynmb: First Lady Melania & Barron Trump are expected to make the big move to the White House & join @POTUS in Washington…
@larryelder The Dems and their crooked cronies and shills r in panic the plug that was stopping the swamp from bein… https://t.co/IJ4d2fKc54
RT @JackPosobiec: Comey must answer how his confidential memo ended up in the NY Times
@Fred_Delicious @jonnysun TRUMP TO MEDIA: "I have always had 2 arms"
RT @RyanLizza: The President of the United States asked his FBI Director to investigate whether there was a video of him with Russian hooke…
RT @IngrahamAngle: Pathetic. @CNNPolitics totally botches its "scoop" that Comey wd contradict @POTUS so goes back to Putin. https://t.co/…
@jk_rowling Hiya! This is from my @Lesism account (currently 'locked' for Trump abuse - back soon)
I hope you can… https://t.co/DhIKYKfGn6
WOW! GRAVISIMO https://t.co/WeWP65CT8N
RT @ABC: Comey's testimony chronicles two conversations with Pres. Trump that contradict statements made by the White House.…
ФБИ: Руски агенти подметнули лажну причу о државним медијима у Катару и изазвали сукоб у арапском свету https://t.co/QvAMCzjA7a
RT @_Makada_: ISIS terrorists just killed at least 12 people and wounded 42 in attacks in Tehran yet the fake MSM is more focused on bashin…
RT @axios: Here's a look at all the key events leading up to Comey's testimony https://t.co/5Nmyz65HPR
RT @TrueFactsStated: Part of me wonders if Trump refused to pay the hookers.
@Marmel 100 ❤️s!
Your tweet has been liked by 100 people. https://t.co/RpFe3UkLXH
RT @LinkCampus: Raymond W. Kelly, ex Commissario di polizia di #NY e candidato direttore #FBI , presenta il suo libro "Vigilance" a…
@bfraser747 Jim Comey is a corrupt Hillary shill!
➡️ https://t.co/pTBEjUuHsX
The Pushkin Museum will present works of the three greatest painters - Titian, Tintoretto and Veronese... https://t.co/4YNzvMegrF #Russia
RT @ericgarland: Then why was he, uh, asking to stop the investigation, dickbag? https://t.co/zgwDkhZEj9
RT @Patrici15767099: James Comey owes the American people an apology for refusing to publicly declare months ago that our President was not…
Just in case anyone’s confused. This is a joke. Recognizing satire has become harder with a clown in the Oval Offic… https://t.co/W8vmJezR1m
@no no he did not say or hold in person conference so I cover 4 his weakness? https://t.co/wzhXrXRkUQ
New post (Stephen Colbert Likens James Comey's Dinner With Donald Trump To ...) has been published on NHK ... - https://t.co/U0RdWmY41s
RT @mitchellvii: So, isn't it ironic that after being accused as the "leaker-in-chief," Comey's testimony has been leaked in detail?
RT @Maria_Hinojosa: I downloaded cspan app last night so I can listen while I'm traveling from one appt to the next this morning.... https:…
One of the attackers site starts [https://t.co/lubejcfKg1]... never click on links!!
Some1 planted those on some populist pro-Trump sites!
The bill proposes to additionally check concession on efficiency https://t.co/nyLo8QPIja #Economy #news #Russia
RT @NormEisen: Wrong @alandersh. Cong. has put limits on Pres. exercise of firing authority & criminal law is 1. Can't act w/corr…
RT @CNNPolitics: With former FBI Director James Comey set to testify before Congress, here are seven of the biggest previous televis…
RT @funder: New Photos: Eric Trump in Kiev, Ukraine judging the Miss Universe Ukraine competition at Freedom casino-2/20/2009.…
RT @Peoples_Pundit: Equally big, if not bigger, is that @realDonaldTrump was right all along. So was Grassley. Comey confirmed he isn't und…
RT @PeORehnquist: Ett pågående krig i Europa som förträngs i nyhetsflödet. #säkpol https://t.co/gr2Gq3gs6a
RT @JohnJHarwood: @SethAbramson Thanks for this thread. What about Dershowitz assertion that directing Comey is within his executive…
RT @CheriJacobus: @AC360 Trump bragged to the Russians that he fired "nutjob" Comey and eased the pressure of the investigations. That's ob…
!Cuidado! Audiencia de alto riesgo para Trump en el Congreso https://t.co/4266eaAsqP https://t.co/ARMRcZvXWq
RT @DEADLINE: Barack Obama Tells Montreal, “The Future Does Not Belong To Strongmen”; Canada Greets Ex-President Like Rock Star…
Yes! Berkeley Trump supporter who was pepper sprayed during protests sues the university and others for $23 million https://t.co/9ZHcFg5LL4
RT @StockMonsterUSA: So #Comey memorialized every meeting w/ POTUS but allowed Hillary to be interviewed w/out notes taken??? ALL Credib…
Etats-Unis : l’audition de l’ex-directeur du FBI cruciale pour Trump https://t.co/VhNF7Oryil via @lemondefr
BREAKING: Comey’s Statement Paints a Worried, Clueless, Untrustworthy Trump https://t.co/MvxrG61ogw via @stevengberman
?Winner's? work 4 you
Trump se desmarca de la agenda LGTB de Obama y deja a EEUU sin "Orgullo Gay" en junio https://t.co/SI8B8LVFvj
RT @aasian: she is so brave thank you for sharing her story https://t.co/bRnmfhFDbJ
RT @TheDailyEdge: McCain sleeping during #SenateIntelHearing is the image that best sums up GOP oversight of the Trump Administration
Donald Trump asked press not to publish unflattering photo, internet has a field day with it (04 Photos)
"James Comey, United Kingdom, Golden State Warriors: Your Thursday Briefing" by CHRIS STANFORD via NYT https://t.co/Uuo5vvOwdn
only 50kI would think it should be even more. get to the bottom on his murder-the gates of corruption will open wid… https://t.co/1xP9CKLAzg
RT @GingerMcQueen: Let me remind you all that President Trump tweeted this for a reason. https://t.co/bBANeD42Ho
as well black in the future. Learn to co exist ditch religion teaches hate and intolerance of others who has confli… https://t.co/1HL2mhIbhr
@ezraklein @Teddyshouse2II "I need loyalty, I expect loyalty,” the president..
No one, like Trump, deserves loyalty… https://t.co/aB4Y2BW7PQ
RT @SafetyPinDaily: Special Counsel to FBI Puts Mafia and Foreign Bribery Expert at Heart of Trump Investigation | Via @alternet https://t.…
RT @KellyannePolls: THIS is CNN.
Please make this a "Breaking News" headline for the next 5 days. https://t.co/piSuDE2agU
RT @DailyCaller: Comey Confirms: Trump Wasn’t Under FBI Investigation https://t.co/nDs7Bg1MMp https://t.co/ao9jD7iRxq
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @SaysHummingbird: RT if you AGREE...
Trump's transition from national embarrassment to global embarrassment has been the smoothest p…
Watchin'neuz. Imagine having worked for the trump admin on a resume? Yu got some'splainin'ta do, Lucy!
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @USMC_DD: Trump had to be told 3 times why he couldnt just use Nukes against enemies. I cant even imagine that talk. If we us…
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @ezlusztig: Sorry, I'm just not buying the Comey Day hype. The media are just selling tickets & irresponsible voices are selling fantasi…
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
Comey set to answer questions publicly on Russia, his talks with Trump, report @jpaceDC and @etuckerAP:
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @longwall26: Comey: He's guilty
Democrats: He's guilty
Trump: I'm guilty
Republicans: We may never get to the bottom of this
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @Kodie2038Donna: @charliekirk11 @chuckatkins311 How about those notes & tapes of Comey's special Saturday investigation with Hillary…
Donald Trump's sons deny discussing James Comey, Russia in meeting with FBI agents - Washington Times https://t.co/s3DRiJrfZ8
RT @nytimes: Hawaii became the first state to pass a law committing to the Paris climate accord, defying President Trump https://t.co/ZhACL…
COP 21 : BRAVO TRUMP ! US ARMY IN FRANCE !!! https://t.co/vlCckxGPUf
RT @ts19001: @TheAdamReeder @IngrahamAngle It was $16.3 MILLION raised by Eric Trump for St. Jude's! The temper tantrum throwing…
@FoxNews @CLewandowski_ @POTUS Trump isn't loyal to the country 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Key Takeaways From James Comey's Planned Testimony
@politico @kyledcheney Watch ..https://t.co/SqBZurPzzf
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
America/EU and ME Countries want Corbyn and Lab to win so the world can be protected from despots like Trump/May/Putin/Erdogan and Saudis
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
@JackPosobiec I love Elon and Trump, sue me.
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
THANK U @SenTedCruz - GREAT VIDEO ! ht…
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @AndrewBeatty: These talking points are madness. Paraphrased it’s - 'Comey’s testimony fully exonerates the president, but Comey’s…
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
@mermaidninja3 @TheJusticeDept All the messed up story about Hillary running sex slave and so much more sucking,it… https://t.co/os5ZM23pfZ
RT @ananavarro: In new poll, 34% of Americans approve of Donald Trump. For comparisons sake, 51% of American like brussel sprouts. https://…
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @Cernovich: Comey's testimony said the opposite.
When CNN isn't staging news, it's faking it. https://t.co/eCyXUdaAYp
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @fannicanelles: Chi vuole distruggere l#Europa #Russia #Trump #FakeNews #Arabi #Terrorismo #multinazionali #Petrolio https://t.co/yh2sD…
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
and made you begin to memorialize every conversation with President Trump since then?”
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @23SkadooSt: Relying on conversations I've had with a few - the answer to that is NEVER. They eat propaganda for breakfast, lunc…
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
Last summer, ignorance wasn't an excuse to the people currently defending trump for being ignorant.
Good morning!
RT @m_b0n: Lemme see that impeachment! #trump #ditty #ImpeachTrump #impeachment #potus #comey https://t.co/ux77W1AMK7
RT @larryelder: Comey confirms DJT's claim that Comey told him 3x he wasn't a target. Thought Comey got fired b/c he was "closing in"?
RT @AP: Comey's testimony to put uncomfortable spotlight on Trump. https://t.co/uh1K9aMlE3
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @stealingHeart_: Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @RyanLizza: The President of the United States asked his FBI Director to investigate whether there was a video of him with Russian hooke…
RT @TrueFactsStated: If Trump always assumed he was being recorded when he was in Russia why couldn't he figure out that Amb Kislyiak was b…
RT @TheObamaphile: @yashar Obama spoke to Comey (never over the phone) TWICE in 8 yrs. trump has spoken to Comey NINE times in 4 mos,…
President #Donald #Trump taps seasoned #law enforcement #attorney to #head #FBI - Jun 8 @ 5:42 AM ET https://t.co/oB9vdPMiGo
RT @FoxNews: MORNING BRIEF: All eyes on Comey as ex-FBI head prepares to testify on hill https://t.co/Y2TXg3QhSX
RT @shannonrwatts: *whispers* comey isn't going to save us. we still have to do the hard work - one phone call, one door knock, one meeting…
RT @brithume: Isn't there a correction out on this? Why is this still up? https://t.co/KAj1fABDgv
Donald Trump Rages After Second Muslim Travel Ban Is Blocked By Judge In Hawaii
RT @NolteNC: Bottom line:
Comey knew Trump wasn't under investigation but to keep his lying fake news MSM pals happy, he didn't tell us.…
RT @voxdotcom: We already know Trump’s conduct is at least as outrageous as what Nixon acknowledged in the smoking gun tape. https://t.co/z…
RT @DrMartyFox: #Comey Could NOT Give #PresidentTrump A Loyalty Pledge
He Already Pledged His Loyalty To Hillary
And He Didn't W…
RT @SusanKnowles: Comey’s Written Testimony Shows No Obstruction of Justice by President Donald Trump https://t.co/io9foZRVUK https://t.co/…
RT @USAaboveparty: Kingston is a Putin pawn, friends with him. Who cares. #propaganda https://t.co/HwH1t9i3g6
RT @samwhiteout: Terrorists. https://t.co/PmCOPufTuf
RT @Haberdar: Eski FBI Direktörü Comey:
"Trump, Flynn'e ilişkin soruşturmayı durdurmamı istedi"
https://t.co/miAMLB240A https://t.co/eNIv…
RT @ItIzBiz: Make this simple graphic RAIN on the @GOP before COMEY sits down! Let them know we see them! RETWEET THE ORIGINAL T…
Dems to sue #Trump over conflicts of interest.
RT @NTarnopolsky: I helped prosecute Watergate. Comey’s statement is sufficient evidence for an obstruction of justice case. https://t.co…
RT @Impeach_D_Trump: Clinton's "deplorables" comment caused Massive backlash
Eric Trump's "They're not even people" comment is Far worse a…
RT @MarkSimoneNY: Crazy Comey - took no notes on Hillary's 4 hour FBI interview, but has detailed notes on a quick dinner with Trump. #Comey
RT @JoyAnnReid: Wow. Col. Lawrence Wilkerson just straight up called the Trump administration "like a mafia family." #inners
RT @tonyposnanski: I did learn one thing from James Comey's written testimony...
In 2017...Donald Trump has spent more time with Comey tha…
RT @pbump: New poll data reinforces a point 538 made last month: Strong approval of Trump is fading -- across demographics. https://t.co/VA…
#LITechNews: Can Trump find a peaceful trade solution with China? #China #Trump https://t.co/WlfRCu5CFG
RT @domihol: #Syria's soldiers of #DeirEzZor
Surrounded by #ISIS for 3 years (!) still cheerful
Now #Trump prevents with bombs t…
@UFLaw @uflawtrialteam @USSupreme_Court @FBI @SecretService @cobbpolice1 @FBIAtlanta @Georgia_AG we want our civil… https://t.co/PXXf0cQ7l9
#Trump is a businessman through and through. He comes from a long line of businessmen + women. I can understand how he doesn't understand.
RT @JackPosobiec: Comey must answer how his confidential memo ended up in the NY Times
В офис "Руси Сидящей" пришли с обысками https://t.co/RkegOFa6e1
Go Twitter! #TweetHour https://t.co/4Ed99xePyb
Basically. I can't wait to see WHAT #Comey has to say (under OATH)....🤔. I am SO over what "the media" is predicting 🙄
RT @WaladShami: The Queen of Genovia is not having it! https://t.co/TIB9az4cAc
RT @fannicanelles: Chi vuole distruggere l#Europa #Russia #Trump #FakeNews #Arabi #Terrorismo #multinazionali #Petrolio https://t.co/yh2sD…
Tell Trump to Stop Waiving Ethics Rules https://t.co/z1lI0oMDH5 via @ForceChange🌀He obviously won't listen, but you never know!🌀
RT @mujtahidd: لا يظهر لدى ولد زايد وولد سلمان أكثرمما فعلا، والوقت لصالح قطر خاصة بعد إعلان FBI الاختراق الروسي، ولذا فمن حماقة القطرين تق…
RT @GeorgeTakei: 4/ "...to close or to back down the investigation into Michael Flynn?” Trump did not wait to respond: “No! No! Next quest…
RT @foxandfriends: OPINION: Dershowitz says Comey's statement fails to deliver the smoking gun Democrats craved https://t.co/UMA3jB1HLm
RT @MarkSimoneNY: Crazy Comey - took no notes on Hillary's 4 hour FBI interview, but has detailed notes on a quick dinner with Trump. #Comey
@ABC I really don't like stool pigeon Comey esp how shitty he was last November. I guess Trump hates him now.
RT @ALeaument: Ou alors si Trump était sorti de l'accord sur le climat sous sa présidence ?
RT @KellyannePolls: Comey’s Friends Were Wrong & Trump was Right: Comey admits he told @POTUS 3 times he was not under investigation https…
@RubinReports He's stoned. Comey's a law enforce pro. Having potential crime evidence at feet generally not intro o… https://t.co/8hAv0M77Wi
thought i was eating second dinner at 7pm bc of hygge. turns out it's all about the trump 10! https://t.co/JKeyNJ2USJ (via @JenniLetiBryant)
RT @democracynow: Forbes: Eric Trump Funneled Donations for Children with Cancer to Trump Organization https://t.co/NjpGnJ70te https://t.co…
Timeline: Why Comey is testifying in public today via @axios https://t.co/NraDyGXK0L
RT @newschannelnine: Legal experts: Trump's comments inappropriate, maybe worse https://t.co/vPlVcrHhkE
@JoeNBC Interesting that so many liberals and anti-Trump conservatives interpret loyalty as willing to break laws.… https://t.co/EthIy7aR9H
RT @rojava_jiyan: ✌️Yes to #Kurdistan_independenc✌️
✌️نعم لإستقلال #كردستان ✌️
#Barzani #KDP #PDK #SDF #Peshmerga #Raqqa #Mosul…
RT @NormEisen: I endorse! Democrats to sue Trump over conflicts of interest - POLITICO https://t.co/qFN46ZkXVN
RT @USMC_DD: Trump blames women in the Military for sexual assaults saying "who are the geniuses that put men/women together? RE…
RT @GeorgeTakei: 3/ "...give you a chance to go on record here. Did you at any time urge former FBI director James Comey in any way shape…
RT @GingerMcQueen: Let me remind you all that President Trump tweeted this for a reason. https://t.co/bBANeD42Ho
@derlesu @latimes Did we miss when any of them invited Comey to dinner alone??😨
RT @thehill: Ex-Labor secretary: Time to consider removing Trump from office https://t.co/xTl0DW4xNa https://t.co/0J46natU8Z
В День России для вологжан проведут «Праздник спорта» https://t.co/Gh046OZG1I.. https://t.co/hZ5lUw5DLz
This is Uuuuuuuge!! https://t.co/7kIQ2vWdE7
RT @ClockworkTrump: @gbowling2 @MrsPerrin @MarilynCapps @Winston_Truth @GeorgeWept @solomongrundy6 @SfaLumberjack21 @Youxia88…
RT @NegarMortazavi: Trump has not condemned the terrorist attacks in Tehran, as we all expected. The level of double standard and hypocrisy…
@DiputadosPRD_ @abasave "Pobres y migrantes a cambio de remesas"TRUMP tiene razón los EEUU no tienen porque generar… https://t.co/kARaFgesLt
RT @DesiJed: Eric Trump looks like the vampire who's survived off of rat blood for months and is waiting for a mom to leave her…
Trump is nothing more than a streetwise hooligan.
RT @smerconish: The just released Comey statement confirms much of what has been reported by investigative journalists, and derided as Fake…
RT @SethAbramson: I'm reading James Comey's opening statement for tomorrow's Senate hearing and folks, it is very bad for President Trump.…
RT @Corrynmb: First Lady Melania & Barron Trump are expected to make the big move to the White House & join @POTUS in Washington…
James Comey Cometh https://t.co/srPxy7TgPk
RT @bored2tears: Despite UN sanctions, #China and #Russia are continuing to trade #commodities with #NKorea.
RT @benshapiro: Comey's opening statement is a DISASTER for the Democrat narrative. https://t.co/akvhCWWmVX
RT @ushadrons: @counterchekist @painter_nancy @20committee @3L3V3NTH @TrueFactsStated @LouiseMensch This link and jpeg answer any…
RT @Rockprincess818: Comey is a little bitch. he felt uncomfortable? Wtf? What a wuss. He's supposed to be in charge of the FBI, not a nurs…
RT @guypbenson: Dershowitz & Turley -- liberal law professors -- both say Comey's prepared testimony doesn't demonstrate obstruction of jus…
Trump picks white-collar crime lawyer to replace Comey at FBI.. Related Articles: https://t.co/hOYQeVFWHC
‘I expect loyalty,’ Trump told Comey, according to written testimony https://t.co/g62aATiepu
#Gather #like & #dispose #unbelievable #preferred #narration in 'The Modern World: News And Views' https://t.co/iAmmQVJnsl #whitehouse #fbi
RT @AndreaChalupa: It's Time to Demand Donald Trump's Resignation https://t.co/3AlYTCryPC
RT @ZaidJilani: Donald Trump's reaction to ISIS attacking Iran on the left. Iran's reaction after 9/11 on the right. https://t.co/LKun598okS
RT @_The12thMan: Been swaying recently, but voting Labour today. Both poor PM choices but Corbyn's got the nations interests at heart, not…
RT @TomiLahren: Mainstream media is so stoked about the Comey testimony. Almost as stoked as they were election night when they thought Hil…
RT @1Progressivism: You know those mayors defying Trump on the Paris climate agreement? Give them a call and say thanks https://t.co/tbSk7s…
Ex-Intel Chief: Comey Firing Shows ‘Complete Disregard’ for Independent FBI https://t.co/0h53WCxz9V via @NBCNews
RT @alfonslopeztena: The London mayor has called on the UK govt to cancel Trump's visit—"his policies go against everything we stand for"
Inside #Trump's #secretive #immigration #court: far from scrutiny and legal aid. By @oliverlaughland… https://t.co/IWTspTDWJb
@PrincessBravato And baited Trump's lawyer to basically agree with the statement
RT @KellyannePolls: THIS is CNN.
Please make this a "Breaking News" headline for the next 5 days. https://t.co/piSuDE2agU
RT @SergeSardinha: Trudeau obéit à Trump et l'OTAN. Le budget de la Défense passera de 19 à 32,7 milliards par année https://t.co/0VpKTA2t…
How you doing on the RICO cases @AGSchneiderman ? Signed, a scared country. https://t.co/PradoEOu8g
RT @NewtTrump: Hillary's email stored material too secret for even the IG of DNI to see—and Comey still let her off. #NoCredibility https:/…
RT @funder: Today: 4 Grumpy Old Men
Tomorrow: The Comey Redemption
RT @mitchellvii: Facebook has locked my account for the second time tonight for daring to stream a pro-Trump show on their bandwidth. Comm…
RT @WaladShami: The Queen of Genovia is not having it! https://t.co/TIB9az4cAc
Pro-Trump group ramps up anti-Comey ads - ABC News - https://t.co/0gSY5CylLb via @ABC
RT @NRO: .@DavidAFrench breaks down the #Comey testimony: https://t.co/23OTZIh4Dg
RT @SafetyPinDaily: The world according to Trump | By @RBReich
El exdirector del FBI James Comey declarará hoy que Trump le presionó https://t.co/oikeRzUvIR
RT @davidfrum: Christopher Wray was Gov Christie’s personal lawyer during the Bridgegate matter … https://t.co/A1njvuJ3Zi
RT @nytimes: Iran Denounces Trump’s Response to Attacks as ‘Repugnant’ https://t.co/ASIPkYSeUi
Trump invites Qatar's leader to White House to resolve crisis https://t.co/X4bIlsZspt
"James Comey, United Kingdom, Golden State Warriors: Your Thursday Briefing" by CHRIS STANFORD via NYT https://t.co/42gVzkXBEb
RT @bet_deals: Bet In-Play with #bet365
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RT @mindyfinn: Worth asking again: why is Trump so protective of Mike Flynn?
RT @ReaganBattalion: Conservative writer @DavidAFrench on the James Comey Opening Statement Transcript: https://t.co/zm2G4GSM3n
RT @RichardDawkins: Well, she’s not as incompetent as Donald Trump. But when you've said that . . .
RT @JoyAnnReid: Wow. Col. Lawrence Wilkerson just straight up called the Trump administration "like a mafia family." #inners
RT @Mikel_Jollett: "America has lost its morals." - Eric Trump https://t.co/EDUuLHWu6Z
RT @StockMonsterUSA: Russia Narrative CRUMBLES
Rogers: I was NEVER pressured or directed to do ANYTHING
#SenateIntelHearing CNN Crying
RT @whpresscorps: RT @QuigleyAidan: Reminder: Comey hearing tomorrow is mostly going to be senators pontificating
RT @JoyAnnReid: Wow. Peter Wehner, former aide to Reagan and both Bushes, says of Trump on @thelastword: "his personality disorders are so…
RT @latimes: Comey to testify about his relationship with Trump. Here's tomorrow's front page: https://t.co/xhntH5s4fY
US pre-open: Stocks seen touch higher as Comey testimony eyed https://t.co/cT47jUAUrM
RT @KarenMcWhorter5: @LouDobbs @realDonaldTrump Need to see if Trump really said it. Comey kept notes cause it's what he does as an FBI…
@RiddlewpmSheri @JoeTacopino @EricTrump @StJude Sheri if u spent half as much time caring for your child as you do… https://t.co/9KsnAcADiv
RT @JoyAnnReid: Well, Trump wanted to be the un-Obama... https://t.co/qVcmwfW6vJ
@bbusa617 "The Mayor of London will fight to keep President Trump out of England but he won't fight to keep Muslim terrorists out."
@RiddlewpmSheri @JoeTacopino @EricTrump @StJude He stole https://t.co/x3UQrZBV0d
RT @misvakdergi: Trump ekmeğine bakar
#8HaziranDünyaMerakGünü https://t.co/1p7Io4HvvT
RT @Mikel_Jollett: "America has lost its morals." - Eric Trump https://t.co/z6bfHnS74m
@POTUS @realDonaldTrump
What in that case do YOU deserve? https://t.co/RDUpxOyZg7
RT @27khv: This is an appallingly poor piece from @ForeignPolicy. SPIEF takes place every year & Trump wasn't Prez when Stone…
RT @NosaIsabor: Ight So where that nigga trump at my house just melted fam https://t.co/1GqL7Pm5bM
RT @Marmel: Thread: preparing for #ComeyDay
#ObstructionOfJustice https://t.co/WtL4NlBjN2
RT @KSBOEN1: I dont care what country they are from. You rape a 5 year old your life should end! https://t.co/PUee3CSWG4
RT @HeHoffmann: @tagesschau James Comey - Lebenslauf
Diese 5min sind unbedingt zu empfehlen.
RT @Kyukimasa: 機密漏洩を追跡できる秘密のドット
Noting Qatar's sigificant role as a (imperfect) partner in US counterterrorism efforts https://t.co/99uQ70iHeF
RT @JTBC5: 코미 미 FBI 전 국장이 트럼프 대통령으로부터 '러시아 스캔들'에 대한 수사 중단 요구를 받았다고 폭로했습니다. 오늘밤 의회 청문회는 미국 3대 지상파 방송이 모두 생중계한다고 한다고 하는데요. 트럼프 탄…
RT @4everNeverTrump: Trump isn't loyal to anybody. Not Sessions. Not his VP. Not Republicans. Not his wife.
But he is to Flynn and Putin.…
RT @dushanwegner: #CNN gibt zu, #Comey-#FakeNews verbreitet zu haben. Sie nennen es "Correction". Wer auf #Gab ist, dem war das klar. http…
RT @USMC_DD: While talking at a graduation for cadets. Trump makes the speech about himself and hown unfair hes been treated. Le…
RT @TheQuint: Read the full transcript of James Comey’s prepares remarks for testimony.
RT @GkhnKhrman: Bundan sadece bir kaç ay önce
ABD başkanı Trump: "ABDnin 19 trilyon dolarlık borcunu Körfez ülkelerine ödeteceğiz"…
RT @KitschyKoos: @mbkingsley333 @tweettruth2me You're filthy! Typical #nastywoman trump hater! Great day of Trump winning! 😜😝😛 https://t.co…
RT @TomthunkitsMind: Comey And The Cherry Tree. https://t.co/Zys1zjBdKY
RT @bobsacard: I repeat COMEY is a political hack who appears more paranoid then Nixon Funny how he has no notes on Obama Holder R…
RT @lawfareblog: Benjamin Wittes: Initial Comments on James Comey’s Written Testimony https://t.co/FGcp2gmnHG
RT @Haber7: Trump için Katar tamamen bahane… Asıl hedefinde onlar var! https://t.co/tVVgAm95PF https://t.co/RHO4RNNC86
RT @IndivisibleVent: HR2431/HR2406 have been called “ROCKET FUEL” for #Trump’s mass #deportation agenda. INFO▶️ https://t.co/WXXOsP6rWF…
Comey’s testimony could turn congressional probes toward question of obstruction https://t.co/tz3VCr1ybL
RT @CNN: CNN's Chris Cillizza: James Comey just went nuclear on Donald Trump https://t.co/6YyP0zzq34 https://t.co/7dvsV7OXDj
RT @brianklaas: As Trump & Spicer try to distance themselves from Paul Manafort, remember:
Total days leading Trump campaign:
Manafort: 1…
RT @ZekeJMiller: Here are the RNC talking points to Trump allies on Comey's testimony tomorrow https://t.co/8X9NKTQHMe
RT @TEN_GOP: Notice how CNN immediately removed countdown clock after they realized Comey's testimony helps Trump. https://t.co/fTG83QnWRD
Twitter furiously tears into Ivanka Trump's 'Why I disagree with my dad' Us Weekly magazine cover https://t.co/qdl37xvlDX
Me gustó un video de @YouTube https://t.co/fUMm4xyOMF Gran expectativa por audiencias de James Comey y otros funcionarios sobre la
WashPost: WH Budget Cuts May Hurt Some Core Trump Voters https://t.co/bEOZHC0znr
RT @MSmithBubbles: THIS. IS. DEEEECENT!! Thanks @TheDailyShow !! #honored https://t.co/B28xywZyFW
RT @ziwe: "he wanted loyalty but all I could promise was honesty" -james comey https://t.co/dHW6rsuESQ
!Cuidado! Audiencia de alto riesgo para Trump en el Congreso https://t.co/ydYAYwMZez https://t.co/QjSSkKSx25
RT @kalu_mobo: Russia:
-Loves himself a lil too much
-Drinks more alcohol than he drinks water
-The US has been sucking his dick…
INSIDER video is hiring a writing intern for beauty https://t.co/BOmxTyeKv7 BREAKING NEWS #Trump #RETWEET #MAGA
#NewZealand should be firm but friendly with the #Trump administration, #Wellington, #RexTillerson… https://t.co/u1m4FZoxNs
RT @LeeCamp: Yes. Seriously. No really. #Trump shifted kids cancer charity money into his own bank account... No, really. https://t.co/8tn…
@FoxNews @CLewandowski_ DT doesn't need toask FBI director's loyalty to his country. He's already proved that by ge… https://t.co/cah7SFFVqO
RT @WaladShami: The Queen of Genovia is not having it! https://t.co/TIB9az4cAc
RT @BV: Donald Trump: Stand up against terrorism, even in Iran https://t.co/26p1XcBe9b https://t.co/4AtOUJLL5k
FBI: 8 Steps to Prevent Phishing Attacks https://t.co/5Bst77QYQq
RT @V_of_Europe: Two of the biggest criticisers of Donald Trump are the mayors of London and Paris. Two people who have zero control…
RT @JackPosobiec: Comey must answer how his confidential memo ended up in the NY Times
............. President Trump Tshirts
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Are #comm_colleges ready for a focus on Apprenticeships? Proposal could use Accreditation and Student Aid to push. https://t.co/z8zTva5mVR
"James Comey, United Kingdom, Golden State Warriors: Your Thursday Briefing" by CHRIS STANFORD via NYT… https://t.co/t7XuUJMr1p
RT @TearsInHeaven09: AG Sessions should have never left the room.
He left Room because he KNEW what 45 was going to ask of Comey.
This who…
RT @JesusFromMars: #Russia/n "Firehose of Falsehood" #propaganda model,
PDF Rand Corporation >
RT @StephenAtHome: It's Comey's big day tomorrow. Gosh, I hope Hillary doesn't somehow ruin it for him.
RT @FoxNews: 'If This is Watergate, What's the Crime?': Tucker Spars with Dem Rep on Russia #Tucker https://t.co/VycaqzMQtM
RT @Brian_Whit: Quilliam "anti-extremism" think tank backs Saudi Arabia against Qatar https://t.co/88pVXep51A
RT @mitchellvii: Excellent point. By pointing this out, it precludes Congress asking him for notes of Obama meetings.
Smoking gun…
RT @SaysHummingbird: RT if you AGREE...
Trump's transition from national embarrassment to global embarrassment has been the smoothest p…
RT @DrMartyFox: #Comey Could NOT Give #PresidentTrump A Loyalty Pledge
He Already Pledged His Loyalty To Hillary
And He Didn't W…
#survivor #Trump #bitcoin #Shakira #ParisHilton #gossip #Scandal #news #hot #summer #paparazzi Will the Sprouse Twi https://t.co/fOzdKHFi9m
Ditto. #TrumpCare @ObamaCare @SpeakerRyan @HouseGOP @SenateGOP https://t.co/2IweYW7WQ3
@Evan_McMullin @realDonaldTrump ..if #Trump could make $100.00 legally, or $100.01 illegally, he'd break the fucking law..
RT @1Progressivism: Trump thinks the FBI has magical powers to prove that he never hired any hookers https://t.co/DlDnQDfFju
RT @NolteNC: Unlike Barry, Trump don't smoke, drink, take drugs, raise daughters who twerk, send pallets of cash to terrorists o…
#survivor #Trump #bitcoin #Shakira #ParisHilton #gossip #Scandal #news #hot #summer #paparazzi Will the Sprouse Twi https://t.co/MAzCS4jUrA
E bujshme. Kreu i PD-së, Lulzim Basha takim me Donald Trump https://t.co/3EO03I3X3l
RT @xeni: Comey Bingo drinking game https://t.co/h5uRSdwV2Z
RT @NeonNettle: Nicole Kidman has been "blacklisted" by Hollywood following her public support for Donald Trump. https://t.co/PB5sp8mPH2
RT @mitchellvii: So in all his years working with Obama, whom we KNOW weaponized DOJ, Comey NEVER felt the need to create memos of meetings…
RT @MalcolmNance: Happy Comey Day!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Watch this vid to get it started right. https://t.co/rOlfMtqUVV
Legal experts: Trump's comments inappropriate, maybe worse https://t.co/Ef3QhRP2w1 https://t.co/unHzwTj927
RT @FoxNews: .@AlanDersh: Comey's statement fails to deliver the smoking gun Democrats craved https://t.co/u7rqbS8NfB
RT @DestroyingClip: Vladimir Putin says wassup to a pigeon and the pigeon salutes back LMAOOOO RUSSIA REALLY UP TO THINGS https://t.co/FWqm…
RT @Brian_Whit: Quilliam "anti-extremism" think tank backs Saudi Arabia against Qatar https://t.co/88pVXep51A
Only the Democrats for Trump are INTELLIGENT, the rest just want to suspend the Constitution & declare martial law.… https://t.co/99MFV6zpYg
RT @JimKuther: Ginsburg Faces Calls To Recuse Herself From Trump Travel Ban Case https://t.co/i0lZU7IJ20
Mud bath tradition in Russia
RT @BrianMontopoli: Trump skimmed a bunch of money from kids with cancer and somehow it's not even a big story. Our piece last night: https…
RT @trichardpdx: @TrueFactsStated If a hooker doesn't get paid by the john, does that mean she isn't a hooker? Asking for Donald Trump.
@bobnde79 @ealight461 Of course! Though one isn't certain Brexit Britain will be much better than Trump America.
Börse: Draghi, Comey, May - Dax startet fest in "Super-Thursday" #Wirtschaft https://t.co/2GLB2TgzSV
RT @ComplotsFaciles: Si on retourne Donald Duck, on trouve Donald Trump. Simple coincidence? https://t.co/tEDxOFvgfO
RT @longwall26: Comey: He's guilty
Democrats: He's guilty
Trump: I'm guilty
Republicans: We may never get to the bottom of this
RT @MailOnline: Daredevil in Russia performs death-defying stunts on top of a skyscraper using a hoverboard 😱…
RT @asamjulian: CNN forced to correct its fake news narrative about Comey https://t.co/VaGJEK58eL
RT @BetteMidler: Trump vows to bring back coal jobs; in his admin, 442 jobs are vacant b/c he won't nominate! He can’t even employ people i…
RT @primedisney: when Trump tries talking about anything https://t.co/KWvzyswHm1
RT @benpershing: List: Excerpts from James Comey’s Opening Statement or from Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day? https://t.co/Pnm34x8o…
@tiagobpp Espero que os Iranianos não se deixem cair na armadilha do Trump. Espero que não respondam com violencia...
RT @SheWhoVotes: Eric Trump saying democrats are not even people reminds me of Richard Spencer saying Jews are not even people. This is Naz…
RT @nytimes: “It’s must-see TV”: Millions are expected to pause on Thursday to take in James Comey’s testimony https://t.co/Npm1I3A2nC
Comeytainment https://t.co/3PbZzpP5NQ
@nypost Trump supporter
Prof. William Wagner will be on the Steve Gruber Show this morning at 7:15 a.m. analyzing former FBI Director Comey's testimony.
RT @HahnAmerica: The Comey Statement: Donald Trump Is A Liar, A Bully, And A Criminal - https://t.co/K7Z1WsqLWK - By @HahnAmerica via @EatP…
RT @AmbassadorRice: Shameful https://t.co/aY2BnuknXO
RT @BraddJaffy: 🚨 Comey's opening statement for Senate Intel tomorrow: the President said, “I need loyalty, I expect loyalty.” https://t.co…
Trump Touts More Phony Accomplishments: The Daily Show https://t.co/4Qm6Mlaqo2 via @YouTube
RT @KevinMKruse: Remember: the "smoking gun" in Watergate was the revelation that Nixon tried to get other intel agencies to shut down the…
Iran Denounces Trump’s Response to Attacks as ‘Repugnant’, via @nytimes https://t.co/JOzbT7UBgD
RT @NewtTrump: Hillary's email stored material too secret for even the IG of DNI to see—and Comey still let her off. #NoCredibility https:/…
RT @PhilipRucker: Got a copy of RNC/Trump talking points to fight Comey, distributed to supporters tonight (complete with gifs!). Her…
RT @TEN_GOP: God I'm gonna enjoy watching liberals impeachment dreams being flushed down the toilet tomorrow. Get your popcorn ready🍿
@ezlusztig @InSpiteOfTrump @xtine_mac @TucsonBlonde #Trump knows how to steal the limelight. 📽
RT @RealJack: Wait... didn't the Democrats say they would be able to impeach Trump after Comey testifies?
Another liberal fantasy set to f…
The Guardian view on Trump’s Middle East: unsafe https://t.co/n3Jd9cOC24
RT @AriMelber: In the Comey narrative, Trump wanted MORE investigation of the dossier, but NO investigation of Flynn.
🔥@POTUS https://t.co/dLS3vSWd1F
RT @G_Molina7: I'm genuinely excited to see what comes out of the Comey hearing today.. It's like watching a live House of Cards episode lol
I genuinely believe that I may have found something important and "hidden" in Comey's testimony… https://t.co/dFIzbtjlPt
@cnnbrk Trump stamp ... https://t.co/YKw9BsrX4k
https://t.co/ePiYi90G2o https://t.co/mvJVdVdiTC
RT @HillestadNils: Video: Tom Fitton: Christopher Wray can't be a typical FBI director - Judicial Watch https://t.co/HjJNpsD16s
RT @PreetBharara: Obstruction aside, it's NEVER ok for a POTUS privately to ask an FBI Director to drop a criminal investigation. Ext…
RT @merlinthormaxim: I am a #cancer #surviver ! #trump is taking #money from #poor and many good /#great #people will #die because of hi…
RT @Slate: A major insurer just pulled out of the ACA in Ohio—and it basically blamed Trump. https://t.co/3ud5ZSOnv5 https://t.co/K9yPtxvvL5
RT @dlynndhaem: @RepAdamSchiff I'm worried Adam Schiff. Comey's prelude to tomorrow's testimony was a bit of a let down. As was today's hea…
RT @jfa_samuraiblue: SAMURAI BLUE(日本代表)香川真司選手途中離脱のお知らせ アジア最終予選(Road to Russia)対イラク代表(6/13@テヘラン/PASスタジアム) #jfa #daihyo…
Trump taps seasoned law enforcement attorney to head FBI https://t.co/x17sEm5Hke #TheResistance
Loyalty is a big deal for EVERY boss. I believe @potus would be willing to work with anyone when he walked in the W… https://t.co/HmMcLg9Nbz
RT @Independent: President Donald Trump’s approval rating is record-breakingly awful https://t.co/UrOHRnzQq4
RT @markfollman: Pretty sick that the Trump WH couldn't offer sympathy for victims of the terror attack in Iran without also saying…
Una historia de jeques y hackers en Qatar y Arabia Saudí (con Trump de estrella invitada) https://t.co/HOCCIXDOdj P… https://t.co/SxFTAqQYKh
RT @USMC_DD: Trump also made threats to invade Mexico and fight the cartels. Thats an invasion. https://t.co/jjwfd6NsXO
RT @KabirTaneja: Iran after 9/11 held condolences meets in stadiums, thousands attending. Now Trump says 'sorry you got attacked but you de…
RT @andreyvlz: В офис "Руси Сидящей" пришли с обысками https://t.co/RkegOFa6e1
Christie has said that Trump would "not be making a mistake if he asked Chris Wray to be FBI director" https://t.co/15gIs3BXYr
— Salon (S…
RT @Evan_McMullin: To be clear, Coats & Rogers are refusing to answer unclassified questions in an unclassified hearing to protect Presiden…
RT @NosaIsabor: Ight So where that nigga trump at my house just melted fam https://t.co/1GqL7Pm5bM
A left side "journalist" calling @POTUS "slimy"??? haha now THAT'S a real knee slapper right there. @JoeNBC cra… https://t.co/RNlQJypqaP
RT @farukmercan: Başkan Trump: Katar'a yönelik yaptırımları ben sağladım.
Saraydaki şahıs: Katar'a oyun oynanıyor. Ama bunu kimin yaptığın…
RT @BraddJaffy: A Trump campaign “Pittsburgh, not Paris” rally … in a park named for the Marquis de Lafayette, French hero of the A…
RT @GOPin2020: CNN Ripped A New A**hole By Weather Channel Founder
I LOVE this guy! Trump needs to hire him. https://t.co/gF8d6b5djf
RT @Phil_Mattingly: Comey is clear that he did tell Pres. Trump he wasn't under investigation - and that Trump was very frustrated he would…
Russia has been looking at their stealthy options against us https://t.co/79cKyzTSaX
RT @ReelLiveFilms: @NEMOamerican201 @wooley29 @Belairviv @TeamPelosi White supremacist Trumpers would do anything Trump asks them to d…
RT @FoxNews: .@seanhannity: 'Self-serving' Comey statement clears Trump of collusion, obstruction claims https://t.co/xN9rgITUdH
RT @mitchellvii: Funny how the media happily reports a Qpoll with Trump at 37% approval with no concern at all for the D+10 sample used.
Sean Hannity Fox News 6/7/17 James Comey testimony, Russia, President Tr... https://t.co/PsY6MFuCfD via @YouTube
RT @mujtahidd: بقي أمر واحد سيقصم ظهر ابن سلمان وابن زايد
أن تعلن FBI التنسيق الذي حصل بينهما وبين المخترقين الروس والذي يثبته استعداد وسائ…
RT @sputnik_fr: Ex-chef du FBI: pour Trump, Flynn n'a «commis aucune erreur» dans ses contacts avec Moscou
https://t.co/zlGTkxQSfD https://…
@TomFitton Apparently the FBI's going to need a good attorney at the Bureau. https://t.co/QPtvvo8jky
RT @ananavarro: Biggest Winner of Russia-gate: Bill Cosby. If we weren't going 24-7 on Comey/Trump/Russia, cable networks would be carrying…
✨ fb political warriors will tell you Corbyn supporters + liberals are led by bias but they're living in reality supporting May and Trump ✨
RT @MarkSimoneNY: Crazy Comey - took no notes on Hillary's 4 hour FBI interview, but has detailed notes on a quick dinner with Trump. #Comey
Good. Less state money for the ppl of Hawaii. I'm glad it's their problem. https://t.co/Ixpr5BS21O
Too late dumb ass Trump slit USA throat on climate change. Butt of joke for WORLD https://t.co/X9vj9nyJuk
RT @jaketapper: WaPo: "I helped prosecute Watergate. Comey’s statement is sufficient evidence for an obstruction of justice case." https://…
RT @JeffreyToobin: Comey's statement establishes obstruction of justice by Trump. Period.
RT @thehill: DC bar to offer free drinks for every Trump tweet during Comey testimony: https://t.co/1xSWMEul8w https://t.co/jlZroUrY9r
RT @matthewamiller: Everyone seems to have forgotten Trump publicly denied asking Comey to back off Flynn. Comey rebuts that under oath…
RT @foxandfriends: OPINION: Trump Intel Officers Acted 'Clintonian' in Hearing https://t.co/MsBpJmgNuJ
RT @WSJ: ECB meeting, U.K. vote and Comey testimony keep markets quiet https://t.co/Jr15Lkn84v
Breaking News , President Trump Latest News Today 6/7/17 , full remarks... https://t.co/4eG00uMerO via @YouTube
You're killing me, I grew up with this song. https://t.co/bi95Ohitwe
RT @LouDobbs: Comey Statement backs @POTUS - @Jim_Jordan: “Today is a good day for President Trump. He has been vindicated.”…
RT @kamerontyler: @RepAdamSchiff @POTUS I think everyone noticed that Rogers/Coats didn't answer the question. And it makes Donald Tr…
RT @WorldStar_2017: Trump has a problem to deal with Friday: many Americans don't seem to like him
#defstar5 #mpgvip #makeyourownlane…
RT @ananavarro: Oh boy. https://t.co/hwzPSR5VFZ
Trump claiming vindication by Comey's statement is like https://t.co/Jf0edIGrnz
RT @tonyposnanski: I did learn one thing from James Comey's written testimony...
In 2017...Donald Trump has spent more time with Comey tha…
RT @jaketapper: WaPo: "I helped prosecute Watergate. Comey’s statement is sufficient evidence for an obstruction of justice case." https://…
Cory Booker raises impeachment talk against Trump https://t.co/9iLzTy1Jmc
RT @TheArabSource: #Russia knows nothing about #US "de-conflication zones" in #Syria: #Lavrov https://t.co/VUN3PnYV6d
RT @kronosquartet: Remember that despite all of the scandals, actions continue to undermine what we hold dear, like support for arts: https…
RT @gregpmiller: Trump brought up dossier over dinner, denying the most salacious material. Wanted Comey to investigate. https://t.co/oWlyB…
RT @SCloudcroft: Imagine if ordinary Americans got as many vacations as these people do for so little work. This is what is wrong in…
RT @joncoopertweets: Trump approval rating hits new low (only 35%!) in Quinnipiac poll via @POLITICO for iOS https://t.co/SY9rPlOX80 https:…
RT @NewtTrump: Tomorrow, GOP Senators MUST press Comey on why he thinks the DNC didn't let FBI forensic units look at their servers https:/…
RT @JWGOP: Fellow GOP: just because the "president" acts like a Godfather in Queens under FBI surveillance doesn't mean you have to cower &…
RT @eissolomon11: Waste of TaxPayers Money
Everything BackFires🔥
🇺🇸#Trump JustKeeps #Winning 🇺🇸
Txs #Comey…
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Democrats to sue Trump over conflicts of interest https://t.co/N5BUNcGL7F via @politico
RT @heatherlspurge3: @davidfrum @Rosie in my 50+yrs of voting,never had a dictator as pres,comitting treason with russia/putin
RT @ezlusztig: One of the most extraordinary diplomatic fuck ups. Qatar preparing for war, Trump trying (belatedly) to calm waters. https:/…
RT @nytimes: Hawaii became the first state to pass a law committing to the Paris climate accord, defying President Trump https://t.co/qASEG…
RT @BonnieGranny: Trump told the truth that most Americans won't say aloud! And he was being really polite! #nastywoman https://t.co/a45Ux4…
RT @AlanDersh: You cannot have obstruction of justice when the president exercises his constitutional authority to fire the direct…
RT @IngrahamAngle: Pathetic. @CNNPolitics totally botches its "scoop" that Comey wd contradict @POTUS so goes back to Putin. https://t.co/…
@JoeNBC Ryan and McConnell are proving to be as unscrupulous as Trump. Their hidden agenda's and lack of voice for democracy is appalling!
@AIIAmericanGirI @BreitbartNews That's because Ryan wants Comey to stab Trump in the back, just like he did when GO… https://t.co/gfa53Pkblr
RT @StopTTIP_Italia: A #g7ambiente di #Bologna si parlerà di ambiente e clima tra #Trump e #Trudeau https://t.co/aMN3M8dQfd … @radiondadurt…
RT @misvakdergi: Trump ekmeğine bakar
#8HaziranDünyaMerakGünü https://t.co/1p7Io4HvvT
RT @mujtahidd: ومثلما تطوع ناس في FBI لتسريب فضايح ترامب مع الروس أسأل الله أن يسخرمثلهم لفضح علاقة ولد زايد وولد سلمان مع المخترقين الروس…
RT @KarenMcWhorter5: @LouDobbs @realDonaldTrump It's really Comey's word against Trump, right? Ryan (like the left) believes everything…
@brianefallon I think Burr got to those witnesses and corroborated what they should say.He campaigned w/trump and… https://t.co/W8GlR8Tuve
RT @CNNEE: ÚLTIMA HORA: James Comey dirá ante el Senado que @realDonaldTrump le pidió abandonar la investigación sobre Flynn…
RT @waleednasir00: Donald trump after creating fire between Saudia and Qatar is now offering himself as middle man to solve this conflict…
RT @mashableAU: Trump swore he had nothing to do with 'hookers in Russia' when no one asked
https://t.co/G4nEdVlrlp https://t.co/NMJBX86mST
RT @ChrisMurphyCT: Btwn inexplicable anti-Qatar rants & bizarre Iran sympathy/insult statement, Trump Middle East policy coming fully off t…
Ocho extraordinarias mujeres con más riqueza que Donald Trump #Emprendedoras https://t.co/Y9ud5w8CIK
Vea el argumento de Trump para defender su actividad en Twitter https://t.co/KB1KJLwHdB https://t.co/X6yVkepAjl
RT @longwall26: Comey: He's guilty
Democrats: He's guilty
Trump: I'm guilty
Republicans: We may never get to the bottom of this
RT @mitchellvii: Make no mistake, Comey's mission tomorrow is not to get Trump, but to keep himself out of jail - and maybe a nice book dea…
James Comey reveals concerns about Trump in a devastating account to Congress https://t.co/WXTvCDidf6
Vergogna Trump
Vuole fare il muro con il Messico 'solare'
E l'unico fotovoltaico che non vogliamo!! https://t.co/w6cQOslXyi
RT @BAELLIS158: 🎯 President Trump, "6T dollars have been spend in the Middle East, but US Infrastructural spending requests we don'…
RT @mattlurrie: Trump asks Comey to prove a negative https://t.co/7YCSJfehrH
Trump, israil'in dünyanın başına musallat ettiği psikolojik bir vâkıadır...
RT @WayneDupreeShow: WEIRD! Comey Didn't Document Obama But Chose To Document Trump Because.... https://t.co/x2jtmL7Lbz #ComeyTestimony #Co…
James Comey's house this AM. Image redacted just like it is on google street view (well not just like, they don't u… https://t.co/sBlWHosRvX
RT @hookem5746: @politicususa HAHAHAHAHA #fake #news u said #Q poll was rigged for trump! Now it has 35% Dem & 23% Repub (D+12)...…
RT @SethAbramson: Whether Trump was or wasn't under investigation this spring or even now is LEGALLY IRRELEVANT to the question of Obstruct…
RT @IngrahamAngle: Another anti-Trump WashPo editorial masquerading as a news story. https://t.co/4BspINFvpx
Luxury hotels arrive in Cuba despite fears Trump may hurt tourism boom https://t.co/MRMGxVamIQ via @Reuters
RT @windmillcharger: I can't believe I am actually agreeing with Kim Jung Un.
I will never forgive Trump for this https://t.co/VdtrCsJf1G
RT @MuslimIQ: Meanwhile, no plans from the administration to stop White Supremacist terrorists from infiltrating law enforcement https://t.…
RT @davidfrum: If you haven’t yet read the @Forbes story about the Trump family diverting funds from kid cancer charity, you should https:/…
RT @NaughtyTyler: Yo MUTHAFUCKA, you're going down tomorrow! LOYALTY MY ASIAN ASS, you crooked douche! #Comey 🖕🏼🖕🏼🙄
Opinion: What Exactly Do Republicans Believe in Besides Trump? - Roll Call-Self before country https://t.co/0sFziu7dZP
RT @ChrisMurphyCT: Btwn inexplicable anti-Qatar rants & bizarre Iran sympathy/insult statement, Trump Middle East policy coming fully off t…
@foxyheraclitus @PrisonPlanet Comey had a hearing a few days before he was fired ... you think this is the "gotcha"… https://t.co/DYPTzY9n4B
https://t.co/CUW2n8oKVo via @YouTube
ReutersPolitics: Trump FBI nominee's corporate legal work could exclude him from some probes … https://t.co/FfqYt14Hht
RT @UKInfidel: #IslamExposed: #SadiqKhan's #Taqiyya over #LondonTerrorAttacks Fails the #Trump Test: https://t.co/azRtJ40og0
#UK #Britain…
‘I expect loyalty,’ Trump told Comey, according to written testimony https://t.co/SRO9cexTZH
RT @AndrewBeatty: These talking points are madness. Paraphrased it’s - 'Comey’s testimony fully exonerates the president, but Comey’s…
RT @tribelaw: If Comey statement is "total vindication" for Trump, as his lawyer says, you've gotta wonder what "total condemnation" would…
RT @MaxineWaters: So Comey told Jeff Sessions he didn't want to be alone with Trump. Women across the country can relate.
RT @ananavarro: Biggest Winner of Russia-gate: Bill Cosby. If we weren't going 24-7 on Comey/Trump/Russia, cable networks would be carrying…
RT @SafetyPinDaily: Democrats start impeachment proceedings against Trump | Via @independent
RT @LouDobbs: Comey Testimony Proves @realDonaldTrump Right, CNN Wrong https://t.co/girGYHTRiB via @BreitbartNews #MAGA @POTUS #TrumpTrain…
RT @mitchellvii: James Comey Timeline on “Not Informing Jeff Sessions” Doesn’t Add Up… | The Last Refuge https://t.co/Wcxf0rnf8c
RT @mitchellvii: Funny how the media happily reports a Qpoll with Trump at 37% approval with no concern at all for the D+10 sample used.
!Cuidado! Audiencia de alto riesgo para Trump en el Congreso https://t.co/mYFETJioD8 https://t.co/pbVipHSjEO
RT @Bahamajoe0: @realDonaldTrump McCain is Dirty as Hell, Trump has known this forever, They are all scared what they Do in Darknes…
RT @funder: A bank Trump owes $300M to just ignored Congressional query in #TrumpRussia probe—bank also launders Russian money.
RT @adnanonay: 26- ABD, Trump'la en fazla silah satacağı döneme girdi.
Trump'un bütün hesapları kısa sürede ABD açıklarını kapatmak.
RT @Corrynmb: #Comey https://t.co/zIuQppADMC
https://t.co/5meZrNjnRj https://t.co/30cJV171ig
Olivia North and James Comey I think we have been here before.
RT @WipeHomophobia: “Donald Trump and the Wig of EVIL.” LOL https://t.co/1gYZnnRTUC https://t.co/7LlvCtHf9R
RT @IngrahamAngle: Pathetic. @CNNPolitics totally botches its "scoop" that Comey wd contradict @POTUS so goes back to Putin. https://t.co/…
RT @KeithOlbermann: Now THIS is a front page: https://t.co/DsH0EmKvZG
BREAKING: FBI Comes Forward, Admits Seth Rich Murder Bombshell! https://t.co/P9iNpo1kzn
RT @th3j35t3r: SONGS TRUMP WISHES HE COULD SING - VOLUME ONE - https://t.co/aT5qTgPjL6
Ult decision not to chrg HRC was Obama (Lynch). Not a chance he'd let it happen. Comey was a scapegoat and a weasel. https://t.co/ELiRIDEKhe
RT @SCClemons: That whole thing of kettle and pot... https://t.co/reZZbxBdvd
RT @vwilliam1157: @kayleighmcenany First time voter 48 yrs old I voted trump not because he is good with words but he is good with mo…
RT @brianefallon: It's not enough for U.S. media to give a ready platform for Trump's lies. Now we are doing it for Putin too?
RT @TrueFactsStated: Am I the only one a little shocked that Trump hasn't turned a lemon into lemonade (so to speak) and put the pee pee ta…
Breitbart: "James Comey Testimony Proves Trump Right, CNN Wrong" https://t.co/si4WvrqojX
Christi says asking for your loyalty the way Trump does is normal NewYork talking. For the mob maybe. Don Trumpleon aka "small hands"
RT @seanhannity: @JoeNBC Liberal Joe is just a mentally unhinged Obama suck up "schmuck" to use a term he likes. What a disgrace. https://t…
RT @kikolo777: Buenos días. Un día como hoy de 1949 - Se publica la novela 1984, de George Orwell. - Superventas en EE.UU, con la llegada d…
Ist das jetzt das Gegenstück zum Papst-Golf? https://t.co/qvvlJXIjhd
@donahuejm @yanisvaroufakis Trump? Well he maybe a looney but he is a patriot. He put his money where his mouth is. HE IS NOT A POLITICIAN
RT @iltalehti_fi: WSJ listasi 5 avainkysymystä: Nämä asiat kiinnostavat entisen FBI-johtajan kuulemisessa https://t.co/fNVNfDkU6N
RT @BetteMidler: Trump vows to bring back coal jobs; in his admin, 442 jobs are vacant b/c he won't nominate! He can’t even employ people i…
RT @hookem5746: #Quinnipiac was rigged for Trump now it's rigged against him? #fake #news @politicususa #politicusUsa https://t.co/mTWSZrX…
https://t.co/91wfbBiPTM: Donald Trump: Obamacare ‘One of the Biggest Broken Promises in History of Politics’ #AZ01 #Kev4Congress
Trump FBI nominee Christopher Wray could face conflicts of interest over corporate legal work https://t.co/wXXghbUCVV
RT @OsmanCoskunoglu: Katar'ı bölgedeki en büyük askeri üssü olarak kullanan Trump, Suudi Arabistan'ı destekliyor. Ama, Katar Amerikalılara…
ECB meeting, U.K. vote and Comey testimony keep markets quiet https://t.co/bawg2xedZa
RT @samwhiteout: Terrorists. https://t.co/PmCOPufTuf
RT @rob79_: This is high-level propaganda. #FakeNews #US
“Trump's approval rating hits new lows prior to Comey hearing”
RT @RealVinnieJames: The Dems in the #SenateIntelHearing are being ABSOLUTE beasts! What a bunch of hateful, childish babies. Their Russ…
RT @NosaIsabor: Ight So where that nigga trump at my house just melted fam https://t.co/1GqL7Pm5bM
RT @longwall26: Comey: He's guilty
Democrats: He's guilty
Trump: I'm guilty
Republicans: We may never get to the bottom of this
RT @samwhiteout: Terrorists. https://t.co/PmCOPufTuf
@AlanDersh The whole Russia witchunt was to tie Trump's hands and create impeachment traps. As in you cannot act li… https://t.co/19hLhz0A6L
Poll: Trump's approval rating dips to 34% - https://t.co/ipimdtv0Vt #SmartNews #polls @ameliarueda https://t.co/wBW5HURNXf
RT @SameralAtrush: Yes just as IS clarifies it is based on the "Najdi da'wah" of Mohamed ibn Abdel Wahhab https://t.co/3KP2mogaei
James Comey is a self absorbed Egotist who also suffers from a Narcissistic Personality Disorder. His decisions are… https://t.co/j1T8UiBfiA
Breitbart: "Christie: Trump an Outsider Not ‘Steeped In’ Government, Was Using ‘Normal New York City Conversation’" https://t.co/WwxjfeSmpa
@MSNBC Not about Justice & never has been. It is about some really nasty losers who lost power. Today will cement t… https://t.co/YoAEHwmwdq
I've got nothing better to do
Than sit right here and watch James Comey with you.
#Comey party tonight
@QuasarSniffer @juliemason
RT @mitchellvii: James Comey Timeline on “Not Informing Jeff Sessions” Doesn’t Add Up… | The Last Refuge https://t.co/Wcxf0rnf8c
RT @ALT_DOJ: I know we are dealing with Russia but we have trumpcare also folks!!keep making calls! https://t.co/M8hHSGzPwV
Breitbart: "James Comey Admits He Pushed Back Against Trump Plan to Probe Origins of ‘Salacious’ Dossier Claims" https://t.co/ycfmjxC7MQ
RT @bocavista2016: THANK YOU ADAM SCHIFF
Comey overstepping the #FBI means #Trump was justified in firing him
RT @Evan_McMullin: To be clear, Coats & Rogers are refusing to answer unclassified questions in an unclassified hearing to protect Presiden…
RT @lovefirst116: Donald Trump asked press not to publish unflattering photo, internet has a field day with it (04 Photos)
@CNN If, by going nuclear, you mean he completely exonerated President Trump, then yeah.
@HawaiiNewsNow they defy trump to “care” about climate change but then the same day they can’t even ban use of plas… https://t.co/PbmZp67brH
RT @JoyAnnReid: Wow. Peter Wehner, former aide to Reagan and both Bushes, says of Trump on @thelastword: "his personality disorders are so…
Донецкая Народная Республика в ИноСМИ https://t.co/XLANkTUTIv #Dnr #Donbass #Russia #war #Ukraine
RT @matthewamiller: Around the time Trump fires Comey, WH starts talking about giving the Russians their compounds back. Sometimes this stu…
@DavidAFrench Interesting that so many liberals and anti-Trump conservatives interpret loyalty as willing to break… https://t.co/Wx0Y6Z2RU1
RT @JohnJHarwood: Comey: I told Trump I wasn't "reliable" for producing president's preferred outcomes. Trump responded: "I need loyalty. i…
RT @JoyAnnReid: Jesus, take the wheel. https://t.co/gwN8DV6qBC
RT @IndyVoices: Theresa May is morphing into Donald Trump – and she won't be making Britain great again anytime soon https://t.co/oLU52EJy4g
RT @NickMerrill: "40% of American voters do not expect the President to complete his four-year term"
RT @KagroX: Trump pressures Comey to drop Flynn probe.
Comey stunned. Tells Sessions what happened.
Sessions then recommends Trump fire C…
RT @HillestadNils: Christopher Wray Is Trump's Nominee To Be The New FBI Director : The Two-Way : NPR https://t.co/9qX1LnahiU
Donald Trump asked press not to publish unflattering photo, internet has a field day with it (04 Photos)
Brilliant cartoon ... https://t.co/uiyiqq5tai
RT @TomthunkitsMind: Comey And The Cherry Tree. https://t.co/Zys1zjBdKY
プーチン大統領 「潜水艦の中でゲイと一緒にシャワーを浴びに行くことになったらどうするか」について語る
RT @NWOinPanicMode: Dems think smashing blackberries & deleting 33K emails after subpoena is fine. But Trump "hoping" #Comey does something…
RT @calebmaupin: ISIS #terrorists with #Saudi ideology of #Wahabbism just attacked #Iran and killed innocent people. Who is the threat? #Tr…
RT @gblardone: Apres le retrait fédéral par Trump de l'accord de Paris les États ripostent
Hawaï est le 1er des 50 à le ratifier..
RT @NosaIsabor: Ight So where that nigga trump at my house just melted fam https://t.co/1GqL7Pm5bM
@parkstorm @cspanwj It is all about payback guy. They were forced to endure a black Dem in the White House, so the… https://t.co/LA661t63s9
Irán califica de "repugnante" la reacción de Trump a los atentados de Teherán.
Vea ► https://t.co/iITWnDvvF1 https://t.co/i1OHm5M9nF
RT @mattmfm: Not exactly a big turnout for the pro-Trump rally at the White House today.
[ REPLAY ] de notre Live sur la décision stupide et criminelle de #trump de sortir de l'#AccorddeParis!… https://t.co/hvYvc11vin
RT @brithume: Isn't there a correction out on this? Why is this still up? https://t.co/KAj1fABDgv
RT @chrislhayes: Emerging defense of Trump from GOP is basically that POTUS is too dumb/naive/or in over his head to have committed obstruc…
RT @Fritz757: If Comey only says,"good morning how are you" the Dems & MSM will exaggerate that into proof that Trump has committed an impe…
RT @FoxNews: .@seanhannity: 'Self-serving' Comey statement clears Trump of collusion, obstruction claims https://t.co/xN9rgITUdH
RT @WSJ: ECB meeting, U.K. vote and Comey testimony keep markets quiet https://t.co/Jr15Lkn84v
RT @Freetradnistria: #Transnistria asks Russia for help ‘to prevent blockade by #Ukraine and #Moldova’
RT @JC20204: ANTIFA gets smashed by Patriots when they try to block marchers,Trump ra... https://t.co/2cpixiKgWn via @YouTube
Learn the jobがご紹介させていただく「ギタールシアー」
Someone said last night I shouldn't be surprised if Donald Trump starts gloating about ratings.
Ratings about a testimony against him? 😒
RT @nytimes: Iran Denounces Trump’s Response to Attacks as ‘Repugnant’ https://t.co/ASIPkYSeUi
!Cuidado! Audiencia de alto riesgo para Trump en el Congreso https://t.co/PwU9WhonPT https://t.co/7n25hVAv5F
@EricTrump @realDonaldTrump
@CollinRugg ☑️ https://t.co/4xelB…
James is comey-ing for you in 3, 2, 1...
tic tac...
RT @GaleTStrong: Nixon wasn't colluding with hostile foreign power. Watergate Pales to Scandal Surrounding Trump, Former DNI Clapper https…
RT @caitoz: Friendly reminder that the NSA was 100% wrong about Russia hacking the French election & story was quickly buried.
Iran FM Zarif slams 'repugnant' Trump statement on Tehran attacks - BBC News https://t.co/oU3kJ35twZ
RT @JohnEdwards33: Americans missed their golden opportunity with Bernie Saunders and fell into Trump's world.
Don't make the same mi…
RT @bet_deals: Bet In-Play with #bet365
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RT @AP_Politics: Comey set to answer questions publicly on Russia, his talks with Trump, report @jpaceDC and @etuckerAP:
Iran minister calls Trump's condolences for attacks 'repugnant' https://t.co/iSAT12CXty https://t.co/FtI9Rubxn9
RT @umairh: We've always been sick and called it well. Trump is just making our sickness feed on us instead of them https://t.co/BwMwUorcFk
RT @StockMonsterUSA: So #Comey memorialized every meeting w/ POTUS but allowed Hillary to be interviewed w/out notes taken??? ALL Credib…
RT @MichaelCBender: 60-some RNC staffers—including some in windowless room in HQ clipping video—to lead anti-Comey push for White House
Comey’s dramatic account on Trump rocks Washington https://t.co/2d9m7imkXQ
Er hier hilft mir übrigens wunderbar gegen den #Trump-Frust. https://t.co/KMuMTsaARv
Una reunió Corbyn-Trump també tindria uns tints cómics que valdria la pena veure. Senyor, regala'ns-ho, si us plau.
RT @StacyLStiles: Then Trump said, "Because you'd be in jail." 😂
#MAGA 🇺🇸 https://t.co/uNuExKbUCB
RT @IngrahamAngle: Another Drama Queen. https://t.co/I86iPSWq0r
RT @ChrisMurphyCT: Btwn inexplicable anti-Qatar rants & bizarre Iran sympathy/insult statement, Trump Middle East policy coming fully off t…
RT @lmona11: @washingtonpost This's Yael Kushner, daughter of Ivana Trump, former model and former first Vice-president of the T…
Senator John McCain: Pay Attention to What Trump Does, Not What He Says - https://t.co/ZxEZvfIAew #SethMeyers
RT @FoxNews: 'Start With Me': NY Gov. Cuomo Dares #Trump to Deport Him https://t.co/pPcaiXpbwe
RT @PeterStefanovi2: As case for Trump’s impeachment crystalises May’s bootlicking looks like another tactical blunder https://t.co/pUpYJbB…
RT @DTrumpExposed: James Clapper: ‘Watergate pales, compared to (Trump-Russia)’
RETWEET if you trust Clapper over Trump!
RT @1Progressivism: In Comey testimony, legal experts see evidence Trump committed impeachable offense https://t.co/MiTpI4oFpI via @HuffPos…
RT @JoyAnnReid: When the history of this extraordinary period is written, there will be scathing chapters on the quislings and part…
RT @voxdotcom: We already know Trump’s conduct is at least as outrageous as what Nixon acknowledged in the smoking gun tape. https://t.co/z…
Seven takeaways from James Comey’s written statement https://t.co/kSCQqCD9Sh
RT @ananavarro: In new poll, 34% of Americans approve of Donald Trump. For comparisons sake, 51% of American like brussel sprouts. https://…
RT @Liljerosso: Trump finansiera muren mot Mexiko med hjälp av... solpaneler.
RT @DankMemes: "You can't just fire the FBI director"
yOu CaN'T jUst fIRe tHe fBi dIrEcToR https://t.co/cEK9hvPb9s
RT @LeRouxNel: John Kerry Compares Trump to O.J. Simpson https://t.co/P0QTc3bPof
@Reasons4Thought @immigrant_legal @TrueBlueinSC Yes, Trump's incredible level of corruption & ignorance certainly h… https://t.co/A66E2NS7O3
RT @NolteNC: MSM not clever, trapped. Barry spied & leaked cuz all thought Trump would lose & spying wouldn't be uncovered. Trum…
RT @WorldStar_2017: AMBER ALERT: FBI looking for missing teen
#defstar5 #mpgvip #makeyourownlane
https://t.co/CS1YqlRBVt https://t.co/W5s…
RT @tedlieu: Open question whether a sitting President can be prosecuted. But here's a fun fact: the statute of limitations for…
RT @DavidCornDC: Does a president who lies this much pose a problem for journalistic outfits uncomfortable with describing him as a…
RT @pixelatedboat: For me, this is the most shocking part of Comey's testimony: https://t.co/nR6qy9aYzW
RT @Dembik_Chris: Webinaire @SaxoBanqueParis global macro dans 20 minutes. Focus #Trump, #gbp, #euro #SaxoStrats https://t.co/V7JEt5YMKq
RT @GeorgeTakei: Sen. Rubio 2106 campaign: "Can this country afford to have a president under investigation by the FBI? Think of the trauma…
RT @JohnEdwards33: Americans missed their golden opportunity with Bernie Saunders and fell into Trump's world.
Don't make the same mi…
RT @ReinyDey: Fake Feminists #NastyWoman Democrats cost @HillaryClinton the election. She lost just by being herself. It wasn't R…
RT @GaleTStrong: Better than no ethics or integrity. Latest Polls Show Millions of "Not Even People" Disapprove of Trump Presidency https:…
James Comey Cometh, via @nytimes https://t.co/rolzKNfAwA
RT @HillestadNils: #Just Tell me that he is #NOT A #Pedophile? #ChristopherWray Is #TrumpNominee #NewFBIDirector : https://t.co/9qX1LnahiU
RT @tedlieu: For someone who claims the FBI investigation of #TrumpRussia is a hoax, @realDonaldTrump sure tried a lot of differ…
Thanks @sw_entropybitch this is perfect for "All Comey, All Day" breaks (Disclaimer: calling my electeds since 11… https://t.co/sMNxoeuqbZ
RT @AlanDersh: You cannot have obstruction of justice when the president exercises his constitutional authority to fire the direct…
RT @TheSpoonyOne: Oh shit, you guys, they've deployed memes. The memes are out.
Shit just got real. https://t.co/UB8LCorvKB
RT @haber_manset: Trump için Katar tamamen bahane… Asıl hedefinde onlar var! https://t.co/rwOrcMFv1X https://t.co/I98BGgxAXh
RT @nytimes: Iran Denounces Trump’s Response to Attacks as ‘Repugnant’ https://t.co/ASIPkYSeUi
RT @ziwe: "he wanted loyalty but all I could promise was honesty" -james comey https://t.co/dHW6rsuESQ
RT @matthewamiller: Everyone seems to have forgotten Trump publicly denied asking Comey to back off Flynn. Comey rebuts that under oath…
RT @longwall26: Comey: He's guilty
Democrats: He's guilty
Trump: I'm guilty
Republicans: We may never get to the bottom of this
RT @MikeLevinCA: Reality check for @DarrellIssa: Trump's threats to withhold cost-sharing have created much of the instability in th…
@AlanDersh I would Encourage all Newspapers, all Media outletsTo give Trump the SILENT treatment not cover another… https://t.co/ubM1DUs7BI
‘I expect loyalty,’ Trump told Comey, according to written testimony https://t.co/zoZp3jSpYo
@RWPUSA Trump is no mastermind. Trump is just the figurehead at the front of the corruption machine.
RT @PrincessBravato: Trump wants to separate himself from his campaign in the investigation
RT @ChuckWendig: Eric Trump says "Democrats are not people, morality is gone," as his mouth stretches wide and locusts pour from within to…
RT @Jonteinspain: Khan says we shouldn't roll out the red carpet for Trump. I don´t think this country needs a Muslim with terrorist links…
Hannity: 'Self-serving' Comey statement clears Trump of collusion, obstruction claims https://t.co/YZa7FRoU2v via the @FoxNews Android app
@larryelder ,selling Russia uranium for her to pocket $, & treason. That the Right is charging her with similar crimes because they were . .
RT @grantstern: If Trump intimidates Comey on Twitter while he testifies tomorrow, we will have the first Live presidential crime in public…
@csthetruth @GeorgWebb https://t.co/FqM4r8JYvt
RT @RobinRobin911: One good thing out of all this the American people can now see what a fraud the mainstream media is and how fake th…
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RT @ushadrons: @counterchekist @painter_nancy @20committee @3L3V3NTH @TrueFactsStated @LouiseMensch This link and jpeg answer any…
How many times does45 & co have 2act inappropriately as leader of the US b4 ppl stop drinking the koolaid?The denia… https://t.co/N3dDnJvCxC
@zerapaz inquirição do Comey e eleições em Inglaterra, vai ser um longo dia
RT @UghSpareMe: Oh, for fux sake. This. "#Trump launches infrastructure initiative with fake signing ceremony" https://t.co/Yso2Ig56hj
Automotrices extranjeras en Estados Unidos se unen en comercial para Trump https://t.co/uMLIEyP2J9
Another MUST WATCH https://t.co/wxI2W2YmpQ
RT @imsezgin: Hey, did you see this @kshaheen 😁? Is this true?
Do u think he will be arrested if he comes to Turkey? https://t.co/24n7b…
!Cuidado! Audiencia de alto riesgo para Trump en el Congreso https://t.co/xPPcJ081RI https://t.co/RoF5tZKnSS
RT @andrewklavan: MSM commentators are insane with Trump hate tonight. Good thing they're talking on @CNN, not in public where someone migh…
RT @tr724com: “Erdoğan’ın Türkiye’si mi yoksa Başkan Trump’ın ülkesi ABD mi?
Karar sizin…”
VPN'siz /…
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RT @marcais_olive: 8h12 : les esthéticiens de Donald Trump passent la dernière couche de fond de teint. https://t.co/c4cR7BfeoZ
RT @DavidCornDC: You are wrong to say that Trump has not engaged in any wrongdoing. He aided and abetted Putin's attack on US democr…
RT @tamersahin: FBI, yazıcıdan çıkarılıp sonra sızdırılan Rusya raporunu, yazıcının seri numarasını küçük noktalarla belgeye işleye…
RT @foxandfriends: READ: Ex-FBI Director James Comey statement for the record to Senate Intelligence Committee https://t.co/klQ1Rgcfoa
RT @cvcoin_ico: Celebrating the first Bitcoin Birthday in Russia ! https://t.co/bNGNQvjDlN via @YouTube
#Come is carrying baggage for Obama, Hillary & Bill, residue of Bush es.
His testimonies will expose America to res… https://t.co/gkOk4pwb0A
RT @longwall26: Comey: He's guilty
Democrats: He's guilty
Trump: I'm guilty
Republicans: We may never get to the bottom of this
RT @KellyannePolls: THIS is CNN.
Please make this a "Breaking News" headline for the next 5 days. https://t.co/piSuDE2agU
XXXTENTACION ♡ Rob Stone #trump #robstone #XXXTENTACION
RT @mustaphahitani: Trump to Comey: “I need loyalty. I expect loyalty.” https://t.co/6Ecx95lsAf
RT @longwall26: Comey: He's guilty
Democrats: He's guilty
Trump: I'm guilty
Republicans: We may never get to the bottom of this
RT @CountessBezuhov: Consequences of attacks in Tehran will be felt around the world https://t.co/CCSyXwqTxb
RT @Cernovich: Comey's testimony said the opposite.
When CNN isn't staging news, it's faking it. https://t.co/eCyXUdaAYp
RT @thehill: CNN's Toobin: Comey testimony establishes Trump obstructed justice https://t.co/MNw8YvL65n https://t.co/4OLOXxT0ZM
RT @American1765: #WednesdayWisdom
Eric Trump Is Right. Media Aren't Even Real People Who Think For Themselves. They're Paid Anti-Tru…
RT @danpfeiffer: Powerful piece from @ezraklein. Everyone in D.C. knows this is true, but no Republicans have the courage to say it https:/…
RT @DineshDSouza: If @realDonaldTrump was not under investigation--as Comey now admits--how could Trump "obstruct" an inquiry that di…
RT @NewtTrump: Comey admitted Huma illegally sent classified info to her pedophile husband, but refused to prosecute them. #Nutjob https://…
@NBCNews BS!, Comey is NOT INDEPENDENT of POTUS; Comey works for POTUS; So POTUS can fire Comey if he wants, no problem
RT @AnnCoulter: It's bad enough for a federal investigator to leave a cloud of suspicion over a private citizen's head. This was T…
RT @HamillHimself: "They come at us viciously & it's truly, truly horrible."- Eric Trump https://t.co/aTovewrVSh
RT @heuteshow: Das hat er nicht wirklich getan!? #Trump https://t.co/lVIEleZTLZ
RT @JoeConchaTV: Christie: Trump exchanges with Comey 'normal New York City conversation'
COP 21 : BRAVO TRUMP ! US ARMY IN FRANCE !!! https://t.co/0PAkXmxtf4
Eric Trump Goes on Unhinged Rant After Report His Charity Ripped Off Kids https://t.co/a1vcqw1Zrp
Comey today same results as in the past president Trump did no wrong just a waste of time and Money
@JewhadiTM @jimpurcell1 @IAMMGraham @dcexaminer Democrats had reason as Comey was grossly mistaken on Hillary email… https://t.co/52z0a9tabk
#serrurier #Trump #artisan #parisworkplace #serrurier #Trump #artisan #France #athismons… https://t.co/FS492tlAk8
RT @funder: @Newsweek They said Trump'd never
-been to Russia
-made $ in Russia
-made $ from Russians
-made $ off Russians
@AngeloRayGomez @SpeakerRyan Pledges of loyalty were fine for Obama but corrupt Lying Dems, Fake News Media some mo… https://t.co/5D5k6RBfOO
RT @chrislhayes: The President told the director of the FBI to lay off his close aide, lied about doing so and fired the director when he p…
Fired FBI director's testimony could have grave implications for Trump's presidency: https://t.co/LHr6zFy21N
RT @NewYorker: If the man who ghostwrote Trump's "The Art of the Deal" wrote the book today, he'd call it "The Sociopath" https://t.co/VECp…
RT @NosaIsabor: Ight So where that nigga trump at my house just melted fam https://t.co/1GqL7Pm5bM
RT @tribelaw: Exactly! And when Comey repeats it under oath, on pain of perjury, the die will be cast. https://t.co/8CDFrkNZyK
#Irán: Reacción de #Trump a los atentados en #Teherán es ‘repugnante’ https://t.co/7Zz8KtdElg https://t.co/6MJoVNVU8I
@southpawwolves @OwenJones84 America offers low taxes to businesses.Trump knows that this creates investment/prosperity.
RT @tribelaw: If Comey statement is "total vindication" for Trump, as his lawyer says, you've gotta wonder what "total condemnation" would…
RT @CBSNews: It's "not a great time" at the FBI, source tells CBS News: https://t.co/345QbptRz6 https://t.co/6zYDOcYar8
RT @chrislhayes: The President told the director of the FBI to lay off his close aide, lied about doing so and fired the director when he p…
The American people trying to find @GOP integrity & morals like #cowards #SpinelessGOP https://t.co/cpqjonnKfb
RT @PeeSparkle: I have zero confidence in this guy. @realDonaldTrump @POTUS can you please show Ryan the door?! 👉
RT @SandraTXAS: This FBI director firing didnt bother regressive liberal Democrats at all
#Russia 🙄…
Professor Eric Clanton ... an ANTIFA violent anti-Trump protester? https://t.co/C5TOpW8Jxl
RT @noybsk2017: @TeamPelosi while Trump does his impression of "Bull in a China shop" distracting everyone - Republicans loot the s…
Donald Trump is exploiting the fatal flaw of the two-party system https://t.co/efUbygAx1c via @voxdotcom
RT @ezlusztig: One of the most extraordinary diplomatic fuck ups. Qatar preparing for war, Trump trying (belatedly) to calm waters. https:/…
If you believe Trump is an #ass-hole, watch this video: https://t.co/pMxRo6I7Hy https://t.co/XjKN3xrhUI
What to watch:
- The Comey show
- U.K. election
- Yahoo votes https://t.co/GqIbmwCjTC $YAHOF
— CNNMoney (CNNMoney)…
RT @HillestadNils: Trump to nominate Christopher Wray as new FBI director - NY Daily News https://t.co/l7qudOQGh1
RT @tgreene319: We all need to pay attention. While we talk about Comey, @SenateGOP works behind closed doors to repeal ACA. 23 mil…
You'd be embarrassed to say this of a 12 year old:
"Aides plan to keep Trump busy during the hearing in hopes of preventing errant tweets."
@altNOAA ROFL.. this man is THE best Trump Troll around .. and he's enjoying himself making these videos
have you… https://t.co/ZEUbsmudkB
RT @tedlieu: Thank you mainstream media for doing your job. This is why you are the only profession protected by the United Stat…
RT @LeeCamp: Yes. Seriously. No really. #Trump shifted kids cancer charity money into his own bank account... No, really. https://t.co/8tn…
RT @StockMonsterUSA: BING BING👊❄️ "Trump NEVER ASKED #Comey to drop entire Investigation & Comey TOLD Trump he Was NOT Under Investigati…
RT @foxandfriends: Coal Country generates close to 50K jobs under Trump: Murray Energy CEO https://t.co/CST5MdVGlS
RT @t24comtr: İran'dan Trump'ın mesajına tepki: İğrenç; ABD'nin dostluk iddialarını reddediyoruz
https://t.co/Reev3DTV5h https://t.co/OQyWf…
RT @matthewamiller: Around the time Trump fires Comey, WH starts talking about giving the Russians their compounds back. Sometimes this stu…
オリバー・ストーン監督、プーチン大統領に関する映画製作の理由を明らかにする https://t.co/tMVlO4LHL9
Where, when, and how to watch James Comey's testimony on Thursday June 8 2017 DO NOT MISS THIS!... https://t.co/LaeXV53T2w
Favstar_Bot: Marmel 100 ❤️s!
Your tweet has been liked by 100 people. https://t.co/zODHztQeSv
@HarveyLevinTMZ spurlock is a moron and she did it because she doesn't like Trump that's the fact and Van is an idiot with his comparisons
'TUCKER TONIGHT' Host spars with Dem over Trump collusion claims https://t.co/GymARnXtyc
@Karen22912 @MikeKitso @NancyRubino @CNNPolitics Funny Obama and Hillary broke every ethics law there was and democ… https://t.co/xkzZEISgrR
GAMinsights: RT bsurveillance: Friedman: Markets won't move under Comey testimony GAMinsights BloombergTV
@JoeNBC @MillerHawkins Interesting that so many liberals and anti-Trump conservatives interpret loyalty as willing… https://t.co/4auFEc2fV7
RT @AnnCoulter: It's bad enough for a federal investigator to leave a cloud of suspicion over a private citizen's head. This was T…
من هو كريستوفر راي مرشح ترامب لإدارة FBI؟ https://t.co/2FKjGnAsVg
COMEY SET TO TESTIFY: Ex-FBI director’s prepared remarks appear to clear Trump… https://t.co/DXulElaq9M
INSANE NATION https://t.co/Xk6xcvMUxn #EU #Austria #Belgium #Portgal #Ireland #Sweden #Norway #Nederland #Swizerland #Hungary #Russia #AFP
Trump Talks Up Infrastructure Plan In Cincinnati https://t.co/L8rmfUvBk5
Comey und Trump: Belastet oder entlastet? Simon Riesche über die Relativität in der US-Politik https://t.co/AuNJ3Gyf2b via @faznet
RT @PeeSparkle: YES! @realDonaldTrump 👏👏👏
Let's get the conservative judges in place.
Great news!!!
Spawn of Satan. https://t.co/5PNPJqemcT
RT @jseldin: @FBI @POTUS Comey says Trump told him "“I need loyalty.” I replied, “You will always get honesty from me.”" https://t.co/UVm2F…
RT @mitchellvii: Facebook has locked my account for the second time tonight for daring to stream a pro-Trump show on their bandwidth. Comm…
SYMPATHIES REJECTED Report: Iran calls Trump's condolences 'repugnant' https://t.co/6n53iLdsyM
RT @andrewklavan: MSM commentators are insane with Trump hate tonight. Good thing they're talking on @CNN, not in public where someone migh…
RT @NavyRecognition: Official: #Russia to deliver Ka-52K Katran Naval Helicopters to #Egypt for #Mistral class LHD…
RT @RepAdamSchiff: Jan 26-Yates warns WH re Flynn. Next day, Trump demands loyalty from Comey.
Feb 13-Flynn is fired. Next day, Trump asks…
RT @AnnCoulter: It's bad enough for a federal investigator to leave a cloud of suspicion over a private citizen's head. This was T…
RT @ChNnadozie: America is not Nigeria where things are done in reverse order. https://t.co/PEjN1wGLcq
RT @sean_spicier: Media: "Trump pressured Comey!"
Comey: "Nope"
Media: "Trump pressured Coats!"
Coats: "Nope"
These people never get tire…
RT @SaraMurray: Allies are prepared to argue that Trump fired Comey for the good of the country - knowing he'd take a political hit. https:…
What we know about the leaked secret NSA report on Russia... #D8 https://t.co/enco4P9MOG https://t.co/DPL3fqk0yq
RT @BraddJaffy: Comey: Trump urged me to drop the Flynn investigation https://t.co/rD23zT0iPL
Watch Trump on 5/18 deny doing this:…
RT @MrDane1982: Comey will say Trump obstructed justice on several occasions and he will also let us know that Sessions knew and didn't do…
RT @NosaIsabor: Ight So where that nigga trump at my house just melted fam https://t.co/1GqL7Pm5bM
RT @NBCNews: James Clapper says Comey firing shows "complete disregard" for independent FBI https://t.co/sOwttn1iLD https://t.co/SLx99o5SM4
RT @nytimes: Hawaii became the first state to pass a law committing to the Paris climate accord, defying President Trump https://t.co/ZhACL…
RT @TheTruth24US: What we know about the leaked secret NSA report on Russia... #D8 https://t.co/enco4P9MOG https://t.co/DPL3fqk0yq
RT @sean_spicier: So basically those Comey memos were just notes for a future book, which he won't be able to write anymore. Man, no wonder…
RT @Greytdog: I've known mob families with stronger ethics and morals than the trumps. https://t.co/ryYbKMZEay
RT @Partisangirl: The #US has become just another terrorist organisation in #Syria fighting against the Syrian army. Thanks #Trump. https:/…
I liked a @YouTube video https://t.co/TzxBYeSr7F Trump Signed A Letter Urging Action On Climate Change In 2009
@Tombx7M Comey didn't put Hillary Clinton under oath and there is no transcript, Comey was an enabler to the Clinton crime family
Irán califica de ‘repugnante’ reacción de Trump a los atentados de Teherán https://t.co/QCzRYVe5jP https://t.co/PC0FAmFd9x
RT @MaxineWaters: So Comey told Jeff Sessions he didn't want to be alone with Trump. Women across the country can relate.
RT @MarkSimoneNY: Crazy Comey - took no notes on Hillary's 4 hour FBI interview, but has detailed notes on a quick dinner with Trump. #Comey
Vea el argumento de Trump para defender su actividad en Twitter https://t.co/DzG6M9Blvs https://t.co/yt35ODuQ92
Not sure this article has any merit plus why would it be released out front of such a big suspenseful media moment https://t.co/AOQ254stOK
@TIME "Paul Ryan, you're fired" Trump voice
#uspoli @potus @FBI James #Comey by @natebeeler https://t.co/ttMGrvDTcJ https://t.co/1d0spIbQsQ #auspol #abc730
RT @memealchemy: Amerithots are shocked by family loyalty, especially to a strong father figure like they lacked https://t.co/dFjzm5EFv7
RT @abuaardvark: Did Trump administration encourage, oppose, or get blindsided by hugely consequential Kurdish decision to hold this…
RT @Impeach_D_Trump: RETWEET if You Agree That Trump's Blocking of Americans on Twitter is Unconstitutional!
RT @mmfa: The Trump regime is moving from lies to authoritarian-style propaganda: https://t.co/Q8zaBfdRBu https://t.co/8ZVuTydtka
RT @DrDenaGrayson: 🔥WHOA🔥
When Rachel @maddow asked Sen @RonWyden about #Trump asking #Comey to drop FBI investigation of #Flynn👉🏼WAT…
RT @GuyMonzeglio: @charliekirk11 @Snikk REVEALED: .@FBI Found Email That Lynch Would Do Everything She Could to Protect Hillary from…
#FoxAlgeria Injury-hit Russia to field untested Confederations Cup squad https://t.co/WlKgzVjB3p #Algeria #الجزائر
RT @AnnCoulter: Comey's abject refusal to publicly announce that the PRESIDENT OF THE U.S. was not under FBI investigation is outrageous.
#auspol #pmlive #cnn #nytimes #abc730 #headsup
RT @stopthenutjob: DT feels "completely & totally vindicated after Comey letter
he also felt completely & totally vindicated
after inaug pi…
RT @3lectric5heep: LOL : Bozo Adam Schiff Claims Comey’s Statement Proves Obstruction https://t.co/9jBoHq44Hx @3lectric5heep
@JoyAnnReid @TheLastWord IBM's Watson Personality Insights tool revealed a high correlation between Trump supporter… https://t.co/bZMRYW04yV
Injury-hit Russia to field untested Confederations Cup squad
RT @MEPFuller: Trump: I want a milkshake.
Comey: I can give you a banana.
Trump: That's what I want—a banana milkshake.
RT @TEN_GOP: Notice how CNN immediately removed countdown clock after they realized Comey's testimony helps Trump. https://t.co/fTG83QnWRD
RT @AlanDersh: You cannot have obstruction of justice when the president exercises his constitutional authority to fire the direct…
RT @yashar: Eric Trump, the son of the President of the United States, says Democrats aren't even people. https://t.co/2uhP8o8579
RT @RWPUSA: A spoiled brat whines after getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar
@LouDobbs They have to grasp at straws, as their attempts of Anti Trump rhetoric is continuously blowing up in their face!
WSJ: ECB meeting, U.K. vote and Comey testimony keep markets quiet https://t.co/cHRJqqbAvg
RT @Impeach_D_Trump: Trump Last 24 Hours:
- Sessions wants to resign
- stole money from kids with cancer
- Started Mid-East unrest
- Rosnef…
RT @brianoflondon: The red carpet: that’s the one stained with Londoners’ blood, murdered by returning ISIS Muslims. https://t.co/tA4cN0laZw
RT @kwilli1046: Thousands Of Canadian ‘Deplorables’ March To Support Trump And Oppose Trudeau https://t.co/845aRr8E9v https://t.co/VTYtKMvU…
@MrDarcyRevenge @kenvogel @KamalaHarris @mrdarcyrevenge 👈🏻 #russian #troll. This is the IQ level now, around 50. Th… https://t.co/vMVYwBh3qH
RT @HillestadNils: Who is Christopher Wray, Trump's FBI nominee? | MSNBC https://t.co/yKhdDsM5gU
RT @AnnCoulter: It's bad enough for a federal investigator to leave a cloud of suspicion over a private citizen's head. This was T…
RT @POTUS: 'Historic: 90% cut in new regs, costs slashed to just 0.12% of Obama's' https://t.co/HIlDgTVzt3
RT @Evan_McMullin: It's an Orwellian moment when Trump surrogates, who've shamelessly repeated the President's lies for months, now attack…
RT @eileendefreest: This fact drives him crazy. https://t.co/38XDrtM5f7
DC bars to open early for Comey hearing watch parties | WTOP https://t.co/GoKWJcNful
RT @IngrahamAngle: Another Drama Queen. https://t.co/I86iPSWq0r
@ChefJoeSB @FoxNews Popular vote said trump will now be our president for life?
RT @SputnikInt: Russia urges US-led coalition in #Syria to carefully plan airstrikes https://t.co/eChOIFAF9Q https://t.co/Sl9G4w7PFb
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RT @TeamPelosi: Shameful: House GOP just voted for the 9th time to keep Trump's tax returns a secret. What is he hiding? American voters ar…
RT @mitchellvii: Facebook has locked my account for the second time tonight for daring to stream a pro-Trump show on their bandwidth. Comm…
Comey’s blockbuster hearing could bolster Trump’s critics – and allies - https://t.co/6sNwPjsQsv - #USPolitics #trump #potus
RT @dbongino: Trump "hoped the investigation would go away," while Hillary smashed Blackberries & used Bleachbit & Obama paid ransom to the…
RT @AriFleischer: Seems to me key headline from today is Comey confirming Trump is not under investigation. Isn't that what collusion w Ru…
RT @kwilli1046: Alan Dershowitz expertly breaks down the Comey Memo. No obstruction of justice. There is no crime. https://t.co/qtxSRIsdd6
RT @NewtTrump: Comey admitted Huma illegally sent classified info to her pedophile husband, but refused to prosecute them. #Nutjob https://…
RT @meganamram: I would pay 10 million dollars to watch Donald trump draw a map of the world from memory
@christopherwray How could you take that FBI job, after Comey'sn testimony, think about your career, your intigrity, your wife and family.
RT below tweet so he never lives this down 😂
#dogsatpollingstations #Nigeria #Labour #Comey #Putin #Lebron #WCQ… https://t.co/TYCShmvKTC
А если он произнесет:"Вот что крест животворящий делает!"- очевидно станет миллиардером. https://t.co/rEUCHrdr6w
5 things to watch in Comey’s testimony on Trump and Russia The hearing marks the former FBI direct...… https://t.co/9C1YzBcemw
RT @TeresaEdelglass: .@TeamCavuto ~ @potus got elected for his unorthodox ways. He's never bashed @foxnews either. Maybe he should start. h…
RT @NewtTrump: Hillary's email stored material too secret for even the IG of DNI to see—and Comey still let her off. #NoCredibility https:/…
RT @imnotalone: Déroulez pour comprendre. C'est dingue. https://t.co/juWx6qv7iw
@POTUS statement proof you are mentally incompetent:
Nice piece on what #Trump means for #climate #Paris agreement, US #farmers and #climate-smart #agriculture https://t.co/cn5UHorbue
Free read: Trump's climate deal exit could have huge consequences for US biomass exports https://t.co/zjyaOg6GIc via @argusBiomass
#jogging Donald Trump jogging - https://t.co/bg0XYIw1nb #RT #Retweet